How did you start?

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I've always loved editing, considered being a film major back in the day, but all through highschool and college we would make movies and skits. The best part about youtube, is I can take the moments I share with friends(I'm a gaming channel) and edit them, and allow us all to relive the great moments. Even if it never becomes a true source of income, it's still a great form of expression and enjoyment for me :)
I've been drawn to a lot of podcast's and commentary videos in the past few years and listening to them I just realized that well for one judging from the views of many of those videos there is a lot of people with similar interest's as me and secondly not that many or even any channels at all have told the things I have to say about many of those subjects.

This is why I started, I just started yesterday, I have the topics in my head already, I just need to find an entertaining way of speaking about them and gain skills in editing at least.
For me, starting a youtube channel was a way for me to smile. My friend and I run our channel together, and for some reason, creating and uploading our mediocre content gives me a sense of purpose (lol). I guess for me, it serves as a motivator, which filters into my other day to day activities. If I can make other people smile in the process, then I've done a good job. - Sarah
I do YouTube because whenever I have to take any information, I look at it. Many experienced people share information on the base of their Experiences, which proves to be beneficial for us. Whenever my mood gets bored, then I watch entertainment videos on YouTube. This platform aware to you the ongoing activity in the world. Whenever I'm free, I like to spend time on YouTube.
Started as a hobby, I love the process of putting videos together. Now I suppose it's also to stay in touch with the little community that enjoy my videos. Also, I find it super annoying to have to tell a story more than once, especially if it's a long one / not too interesting to me. So now if I have a story that I know people want to hear, I tell it to my camera and my family / friends watch that instead haha.
Just for fun & time pass
Initally I started it to show off my minecraft builds but that quickly evolved into a vlog channel so my parents and family could keep track with what I've been doing (I'm a deployed soldier).
At the same time I found a love for filming vlogs, so its a win win.