Youtube has always been like, this beacon of hope for me, if you know what I mean. When I was 16 watching gamers on Youtube, I always felt like it was what I wanted to do with my life. I lacked the equipment to start back then. Had a pretty bad computer, didn't have a set up, lacked the courage, etc. I'm 22 now and have basic equipment. My computer is a gaming computer, and I thought, well... I can really do this. It started off mostly as a dream but the more I got into it, the more I absolutely loved it. I've learned how to use Photoshop, making thumbnails and banners and outros is so much fun to me. I also really enjoy editing. That, and I've noticed that in the gaming community, there's some sexism towards women in the scene. "Girl gamers", ugh. I want to crush that term. It's derogatory in most circumstances. A girl gamer is a girl who plays Call of Duty in her underwear and is highly sexualized and honestly I just want to prove that girls who play video games, for real, actually exist. Well, people might believe they exist however women gamers aren't necessarily highlighted on Youtube. I want to change that.
That and it's just too much fun to quit.