How did you start?

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When I retired to the Philippines (from Texas), in 2013, I just posted a few vids to show my family where I was. I was blogging at the time and never thought much about YT. My family watched the vids, a little, but others started watching. One day YT sent me an email asking me to monetize... so I did. After that I started trying to build the channel and work on a schedule.
I got inspired by big YouTubers in my niche, which is guitar/music/gear oriented content. Not inspired in the normal way - there were so many channels that were so bad, that I thought that I could make something better.
Of course, once you jump in, it's not as easy as it looks.

But if fulfills my love of creating and also I'm an IT person by profession and I get lost in the data and analytics but in a good way. So far my channel is progressing nicely, going from 72 to 776 subs in 9 months. But the learning curve is steep. It feels good to finish and render a video and truly feel like it's the best one you've done yet.
I decided to start a YouTube channel as I have some time on my hands and wanted to share my passion. I have always been creative and I think the more I learn and research (editing etc) YouTube will be a perfect outlet.

I also bore people in my life with the amount I talk about movies (sorry Mrs Nate lol) so its a way for me to healthily express my opinions
I began YouTubing about 2 months ago, kind of always thought about it but I didn’t want to be a web personality or whatever but I just love to rant on things I’m passionate about & I had a cult following through social media & plenty of people telling me I should try it so I went with it. It’s a challenge & it’s interesting to me on how to build up my audience,page etc. good hobby to have & an outlet to be vocal
I actually started YouTube because I was bored. However, at the time, I used YouTube to learn a lot of things, especially on how to build two-stroke engines :) So honestly, I just wanted to put out content just to see if it would get any traction. Don't get me wrong though, I put out content that I thought would help other people, that's how I became a filmmaking tutorial channel. After about 6 months one of my first tutorial video reached over 200K views, so I started producing more content, still with no fame in mind. Just as a hobby.
Hey guys! I'm new here! I do youtube because I want to be able to help others with what I went through.

I'm a 31 year old with Dentures and if I can help someone else going through the process then my goal is done.
I started youtubing because when i was bored, i started watching youtube with a couple of friends, and got really into people's vlogs. Then, i realized that it would be way more fun to actually go out and do exciting things to film, and post them online! i really love video editing so even though I don't have the best software yet it's definitely a great way to spend my (admittedly limited) free time.
I've only just started YouTube, but I think I started it because I love to sing. Which is what my channel is about. It makes me feel so free and to be able to share that with others is an amazing feeling.
I created a Youtube channel a couple of years ago but could never decide what kind of content to make or theme to build around. I've decided to start with creating casual gaming videos and document my journey as a Youtuber. I've always been a big fan of Youtube. It's my go-to whenever I have a question, procrastinate, or just want to watch something entertaining. Kind of feels like home online. I want to create and connect with both other Youtubers and the Youtube community.
I think that making videos is fun. The thought that someone may actually enjoy something that I worked on is also pretty awesome to me as well. It's also a way for me and my high school friends to stay in touch since we run the channel together.