How did you start?

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For me, I got into youtube from watching youtubers, but mainly as a hobby and to learn a new skill. I love being able to look back at a video that took days to film and edit with pride.

I really enjoy the filming and editing part even if people do not watch the videos (obviously that is the ultimate goal, however, the point still stands) and I don't mind if it takes 15-20 hours to make the video becuase I am having fun doing it.

I hear ya! Do you find that you ever look back at your videos and think they are not good enough though?[DOUBLEPOST=1551692314,1551692219][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do it because I am passionate about creating things. music, photos,videos, art in general! This kinda took on a life of its own. i made a commitment to myself to post at least once a week for a year I accomplished that goal and my channel grew a bit( much as I had hoped though) now I cant NOT do it. its like failure is not an option. I cant let down the subs even though i don't have many. and I cant let my self down.
it is an exercise in patience and discipline. fighting through the feelings of uncertainty, self doubt, and discouragement. It is difficult and I feel like it is building my character and maybe this will be important later in my life to learn these lessons.
plus its really fun! :)
Congrats on uploading for a year dude! Did you ever miss an upload in that year? and have you changed or been tempted to change your upload frequency from once a week?
I hear ya! Do you find that you ever look back at your videos and think they are not good enough though?[DOUBLEPOST=1551692314,1551692219][/DOUBLEPOST]
Congrats on uploading for a year dude! Did you ever miss an upload in that year? and have you changed or been tempted to change your upload frequency from once a week?
I think that's something all creators will do, especially when just starting out. It's all part of the process and allows us to grow and improve with experience. I just had a sneak peak at your latest video, you have a lovely family and I like the idea of sharing everyday moments, they will be so precious to you especially in a few years as you see your children grow. Good luck with it :)
I think that's something all creators will do, especially when just starting out. It's all part of the process and allows us to grow and improve with experience. I just had a sneak peak at your latest video, you have a lovely family and I like the idea of sharing everyday moments, they will be so precious to you especially in a few years as you see your children grow. Good luck with it :)
Very true! The only way is up as they say :) ah thank you, thats kind of you to say! I think that is part of the reason why i vlog have lovely memories to look back on. It will also give my son something to look back on and see how he was as a kid (if youtube is still around by then ha!)
Very true! The only way is up as they say :) ah thank you, thats kind of you to say! I think that is part of the reason why i vlog have lovely memories to look back on. It will also give my son something to look back on and see how he was as a kid (if youtube is still around by then ha!)
I'm sure it will, it's a beautiful thing to do and wonderful we have that kind of technology now to be able to do that! :bounce:
I'm sure it will, it's a beautiful thing to do and wonderful we have that kind of technology now to be able to do that! :bounce:
Makes ya wonder what kind of tech we will have in the future too!! Also i forgot to mention it in my last reply...but congrats on uploading at your age!! AND even more so gaming videos, thats fricking awesome!!
hahahaha, that gave me a great laugh! It suddenly made me feel so old lol, I know you didn't mean it that way but yeah I know it's different. I wish I knew about youtube and gaming years ago, I would've started then, when I was younger LOL. I figure, I love playing games and trying out new ones, now I can share the experience and meet new people (my real life friends don't share my passion lol) it has been very rewarding for me. I was actually inspired by a youtuber called Shirley Curry, check this out, she started in 2011 and was 82! That means she must be 90 now and she's head for 1/2mill subs! She's awesome to watch, I love her to bits.
hahahaha, that gave me a great laugh! It suddenly made me feel so old lol, I know you didn't mean it that way but yeah I know it's different. I wish I knew about youtube and gaming years ago, I would've started then, when I was younger LOL. I figure, I love playing games and trying out new ones, now I can share the experience and meet new people (my real life friends don't share my passion lol) it has been very rewarding for me. I was actually inspired by a youtuber called Shirley Curry, check this out, she started in 2011 and was 82! That means she must be 90 now and she's head for 1/2mill subs! She's awesome to watch, I love her to bits.
Ha well glad you had a laugh out of it! Blimey...90?! bet that makes you feel a lot younger now ay :) cor imagine being 90 and a youtuber...thats pretty incredible
I hear ya! Do you find that you ever look back at your videos and think they are not good enough though?

Yeah I find that all the time haha... "What was I thinking....?!" or "I can't believe I found that funny!" haha.. but I am proud of the skills I have gained from doing this and each video (no matter how bad it was..) helped me to get here.
Boy I could make a whole video about this (in fact I might one day). I'm about to talk about a whole bunch of old channels I used to run but even if someone asks I won't say what they are since I'm trying to keep those separate from my current channel.

So when I first started uploading videos to YouTube, I wanted to entertain people. It was a loooong time ago. I was in high school and it was 2011 (I think). I was inspired by watching a bunch of YouTubers online (mostly gaming at the time, but also things like "Is it a good idea to microwave this?" and "Will it blend?"). I had just gone on a binge watch of an old Japanese trivia-based TV show called "The Fountain of Trivia" (トリビアの泉) and decided I wanted to start a channel based on telling people stupid and useless facts that they can feel smart about knowing but will have absolutely zero usefulness in their life.

I made one video and then high school got in the way of making any more videos but it set me on a road I'm still going down now. Making that video was fun. Really really fun.

The next summer I was inspired by a bunch of gaming YouTubers and started a gaming channel. Then school got in the way and kept getting in the way. I started thinking of even branching off to other things.

It was just fun. I loved seeing my friends reactions when they watched my videos, seeing their laughter and smiles. Eventually I realized, I loved doing exactly that.

The exact reason for my current channel is a wall of text for another time, but as for YouTube in general? This is how I got started and why I keep doing it.
dont remember if I answered this thread but mostly to document my rides. I think almost every dirtbiker/offroader records themselves. Just a natural thing. I also like cinematography, so I am slowly getting into that with offroading. Not looking to get big nor I know that will never happen....i mean its a dirtbike channel lol.

anddd cool to talk to other bikers and have them enjoy my offroading video