How did you start?

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Because it gives me a platform to share the thing that I love to do most in this life, and have been training in since I was 5 years old. I got an entertainment contract and the hours were ridiculous so I haven't been able to do anything that I wanted with my channel in 2018. Things are calmer this year so I'm ready to get back in business and get some covers, and maybe even some vlogs up! Bring on 2019!
I started Youtube because I love talking about movies and TV shows. For as long as I could remember, me and my friends would watch something interesting and then have long discussions about it afterwards. Whether it was theorizing on potential sequels, giving our opinions on what we would do differently, or in some cases, ******** all over a film entirely - we did it all. It wasn't until I was using Youtube regularly that I realized that I could watch other peoples reviews or reactions to see if we had similar opinions. I remember stumbling on Jeremy Jahns' channel when it was relatively small, and thinking that I wouldn't normally listen to anyone's opinion of a movie/TV show before I had seen it, but Jeremy was always on the money with his reviews. I started researching other Youtubers that review films and discovered that there were a lot of people who shared my passion. I decided to take the leap and record my first video. I've been doing Youtube for over a year now and I'm loving it. Even if i my channel doesnt become bigger or I never get paid from it, I will still upload videos just because I love talking about movies and would like to see if anyone else agrees with my opinions.
Thanks for reading!
I YouTube as a way to showcase my talents. I am an actor, however sometimes there can be a long waiting period in between booking commercials, or shows/etc. I figured why not make my own platform that allows me to do what I love and direct it myself!?

I also have a segment coming soon titled "Adventures of a Struggling Actor" which will follow my journey as an actor, for anyone who wants to enter this industry also! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1546965075,1546965000][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do it because I'm addicted to making videos and love talking to people who share my interests ^_^

Hey! You're Channel UserID isn't working, but I would love to check out your content![DOUBLEPOST=1546965201][/DOUBLEPOST]
I started YouTube because I like being apart of a community of people that I can interact with and share my stories. It is exciting to turn on the computer and see that people enjoys your content and message.

Hey man! I just subscribed, and am going to check out your vids and comment. It helps that your first review is Tomb Raider because that's one of my favorites![DOUBLEPOST=1546965472][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do it because it's something I have been passionate about since I was 12. I started out using a shoe as a phone holder on my dresser in front of my tv. Looking back on it, it was quite comical. As I moved forward in life, I finally got my first laptop. On this laptop, I started doing Minecraft gameplay and kinda kicked off from there. I started on my first YouTube channel which was named ArchiveData Gaming, which was a name I got from playing Roblox. Yes, sadly I did play Roblox. But I was 13, how was I supposed to know! From that point on I recorded and uploaded for 2 years, and then high school got extremely busy and I deleted my old channel. Here recently, I've had more time in college than in high school, so a few friends and I are trying to make this dream a reality. We have our own little garage area being set up so we can have a Cow Chop themed podcast and public channel. Quite excited honestly.

Dude! That is going to be so freaking awesome when you all finish setting up! I cant wait to see it! Just subscribed, and cant wait to watch your vids and give you some feedback! Cheers to following your dreams![DOUBLEPOST=1546965593][/DOUBLEPOST]
I Youtube because I want to share moments from my life and I always loved editing, but finally this year I was inspired but my fav YouTubers to just start it!! It is such a good hobby, it is like fitness for my mind! And i absolutely want to make it a career!! I enjoy it so much that I would like to do it full time

Loving the vibe of your Channel! I'm going to check it out as soon as I get home. Keep it up and you'll have this as a career in NO time! :D
I've always loved video making, and decided to YouTube since I was doing a lot of videos with my friends. Originally, it was because I loved video making and was for fame, but now I have learned to love the community.
I started animating because I love watching YouTube animators and one day playing around I downloaded an animating app on my phone and I loved it. I'm having tons of fun with it and the few people that have enjoyed my content have given me amazing feedback that keeps me wanting to make more!
I think I fall into the large portion of people who have been watching other Youtubers for ages and just love what they do. They inspired me to try out filming and editing, after which I realized I absolutely loved doing it. I had a very hard time deciding what I had to add to the saturated field that is Youtube, but now that I am moving to England very soon I decided to share my journey and experiences. I want to stay in contact with home, but also reach out and meet many other people. I think Youtube will be a great way of doing this :)
Wauw, it took me a while to find my original post xD I posted this about a year and a half ago and I wanted to look back on it. Why? Because as eloquently as I described my 'love' for filming and editing, of course a small part of me hoped for a little piece of the YT fame. The reason why I wanted to find and comment on this post, is because that has now disappeared for me. And that's a great thing! Plus, I can tell you exactly why I make videos now.

I make it for my friends, whom I have know for over 10 years now, who proudly tell me they still watch all my videos. I make it for my sister, who actually pesters me to upload if I haven't done it in a while. And I do it for my parents.
One night, I walked downstairs to find my mom and dad huddled behind a laptop, drinking a glass of wine and having a snack, while watching my video. This filled me with such immense joy and pride, that my parents had created this little moment with the two of them. And my video prompted it.
That is why I make videos. To show my family, who are not travelers at all, what the other side of the world looks like. To show them their daughter is doing well and enjoying life. And if that means my video only has 20 views, so be it. Because I will know that the 20 people who watched it actually enjoyed it :)
Wauw, it took me a while to find my original post xD I posted this about a year and a half ago and I wanted to look back on it. Why? Because as eloquently as I described my 'love' for filming and editing, of course a small part of me hoped for a little piece of the YT fame. The reason why I wanted to find and comment on this post, is because that has now disappeared for me. And that's a great thing! Plus, I can tell you exactly why I make videos now.

I make it for my friends, whom I have know for over 10 years now, who proudly tell me they still watch all my videos. I make it for my sister, who actually pesters me to upload if I haven't done it in a while. And I do it for my parents.
One night, I walked downstairs to find my mom and dad huddled behind a laptop, drinking a glass of wine and having a snack, while watching my video. This filled me with such immense joy and pride, that my parents had created this little moment with the two of them. And my video prompted it.
That is why I make videos. To show my family, who are not travelers at all, what the other side of the world looks like. To show them their daughter is doing well and enjoying life. And if that means my video only has 20 views, so be it. Because I will know that the 20 people who watched it actually enjoyed it :)

That is absolutely amazing! I'm glad that you seem to be having even more fun making videos now than you were having when you started!
I started because of the blacksmith community. When I started forging there were a lot of people out there that were very willing to help and share knowledge. And a lot of them had channels as well and they kinda talked me into it. Glad they did because it's been a lot of fun
We all started YouTube for one reason or another; maybe you just liked the idea of filming yourself and saw it as a cool idea, Or maybe you got inspired by a big youtuber :bounce:
Well, whatever your reason for starting, your goals may differ AND may even change over time.
So my question to you, is deep down, what are your YouTube Goals? I say deep down because some peoples goals may seem quite selfish and they wont want to admit it but im sure everyone has thought of becoming one of the 'Big YouTubers'.:smileysmile:

Personally, my YouTube goals are simply to gain enough reach/subscribers/fans? to be able to become a full time youtuber and be able to have some sort of positive impact on peoples lives in some way! Like, how amazing would that be, to be able to put a smile on someones face and stopping them from feeling poop, just by watching a video you have made? Being BIG would be bloody fantastic but i think it takes something special to get there.

So tell me forum, what are your YouTube Goals?:ugo:
My number 1 goal is to make fat revenue. Most people will say they are doing it only for the love etc (I dont believe these people). I just tell it how it is. If there was no longer a way to make money from it I would do something else.

My number 2 goal is to enjoy myself whilst creating and hoping other enjoy my content. (Most of them do)