How did you start?

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I've had a blog running for 14 years so I've been producing content forever. .

I started with that as well, but I had only writing in the blog for a year, before starting doing youtube, since I wanted to prove what I was writing about! Which may sound weird! I don´t write as much in the blog anymore, just when i´m out traveling!
I started with that as well, but I had only writing in the blog for a year, before starting doing youtube, since I wanted to prove what I was writing about! Which may sound weird! I don´t write as much in the blog anymore, just when i´m out traveling!

I still do it twice a week, mostly out of habit. But I tend to write way, way, way ahead, I have posts scheduled until the end of the year at the moment, so I don't look over there very often.
I youtube because I was inspired by the old 2012 Pamaj and Spratt and the OpTic guys.. yeah I know it probably is the same for some but I really enjoyed their content and wanted to do the same myself. I've been playing Call of Duty for 10 years almost now and I really enjoy it as well as the content it produces. My friends love to be in videos and love to hang out and play Cod so it's really easy to make content on that game as well as others. Mostly I just like recording and editing and uploading videos. It's just a fun process. I've been off and on with it for 4 years now but now that I have a good laptop and equipment I am very much consistent. My only issue is I'm a little vulgar but I've been trying to tone that down. YouTube is a super fun hobby and I'd recommend it to anyone.
I'm into the paranormal, so I like to share the evidence I have with people who are also into the field. I like how a lot of people are saying that they were shy when they first started. I was very much the same way. I didn't even go on camera for my first video. After a while though, that shyness went away. I've really broken out of my shell and am much more outgoing socially. Funny how standing in front of a camera can do that for you huh? So I guess now I do it for self improvement as well. The more I do the better I become. I love the interaction I get with other people all over the world. Even if it's something simple such as somebody saying something nice about what I did. It's been a great experience.
I do it because I had anxiety problems and making youtube asmr vids actually relaxes me, at the same time creating content to help others relax makes it meaningful for me to do!
guess that I really enter Youtube to just delete channels from time to time! :p :D XD

lmao me too
let’s see. off the top of my head i can remember my lyrics account, my fan fiction account, my club penguin account, my final fantasy MV account, my toontown MV account, my “stop animal abuse” account (???), my warrior cats MV account, my warrior cats roleplay account, my makeup channel in fifth grade lmfao, my vlog channel from eighth grade, my music video account where i tried to make jumpcut music videos. and then i turned 13 and have kept the same account since then
I do it because it's something I have been passionate about since I was 12. I started out using a shoe as a phone holder on my dresser in front of my tv. Looking back on it, it was quite comical. As I moved forward in life, I finally got my first laptop. On this laptop, I started doing Minecraft gameplay and kinda kicked off from there. I started on my first YouTube channel which was named ArchiveData Gaming, which was a name I got from playing Roblox. Yes, sadly I did play Roblox. But I was 13, how was I supposed to know! From that point on I recorded and uploaded for 2 years, and then high school got extremely busy and I deleted my old channel. Here recently, I've had more time in college than in high school, so a few friends and I are trying to make this dream a reality. We have our own little garage area being set up so we can have a Cow Chop themed podcast and public channel. Quite excited honestly.
I do it because I love watching Youtube myself, and beauty is a passion of mine. I also have Social Anxiety and is a introverted person, so I feel like this is a good way for me to "be myself" I guess you can say. Can call it a type of therapy for me.