How did you start?

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I quit YT a while back because I was so focused on getting subs and views. killed the fun on what i once called it a hobby. I remember doing videos of me and my buddies skateboarding and i love it knowing there was no profit. Now im back at it again just having fun and doing it as a hobby. do I think I will get big? nah highly doubt it. I hope to just get a few subs that I can chat and talk with. I love talking with other motorbloggers and just having fun with what I do![DOUBLEPOST=1543274128,1543274018][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do it because I love watching Youtube myself, and beauty is a passion of mine. I also have Social Anxiety and is a introverted person, so I feel like this is a good way for me to "be myself" I guess you can say. Can call it a type of therapy for me.

lol its kind of one of the reasons i do it too. I like watching my own videos even though no1 watches them! hahah! im pretty introverted so i think its a calm way to make friends and interact with people
I think it's the same as when you're a kid and when you possess cool information about anything you just immediately want to share, well YouTube is my adult version of that.
I do youtube because it's my #1 hobby. It gives me some kind of satisfaction. Otherwise I am a programmer, so youtube is a relaxation thing for me. I've been youtuber for 6 years. This year I retired from my main channel, it was in April I think, as soon as I started learn programming, so when I settled down a little bit, I opened a new channel, it is my main channel right now you can visit it, if you want of course. I had forgotten how amazing youtubing is. Designing, editing, community, friends, etc. I meet about 150 of mine good friends on this platform so, thanks to YOUTUBE I have a good social life. Cheers mates.
I Youtube because I want to share moments from my life and I always loved editing, but finally this year I was inspired but my fav YouTubers to just start it!! It is such a good hobby, it is like fitness for my mind! And i absolutely want to make it a career!! I enjoy it so much that I would like to do it full time
I do it because its fun. I have my small group of friends that help out and its always nice to have something to talk to them about or something to do with them. We love how we can just be goofy on video, upload it, and people actually watch it and enjoy it. Its really nice and it gives us something to do.
I do it because its fun. I have my small group of friends that help out and its always nice to have something to talk to them about or something to do with them. We love how we can just be goofy on video, upload it, and people actually watch it and enjoy it. Its really nice and it gives us something to do.
Right, in a sense it's like organized, archived fun, which I believe if anything enhances the experience. Some would call that notion a bit robotic, in the same sense instagram is mindless and robot-like to capture everything you do in the day from eating an apple to saying hello to a cat, but in YouTube's case, it can really be used in a way we all would've liked to have that technology available in, say, the 90's.
I started YouTube because I like being apart of a community of people that I can interact with and share my stories. It is exciting to turn on the computer and see that people enjoys your content and message.