How did you start?

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I do it to tap into my creative side again. I do it to take pride in what I do again. I do it to laugh. I do it to feel important again, like I offer something to this world.

I've had a pretty rough, storied past. Divorced from a lesbian after 10 years. Father of 3 kids of which 2 have a terminal disease and required me to move my life to Finland from the US. After the divorce, had a relationship with a woman who attempted suicide after she admitted she was a closet alcoholic with an eating disorder. And most recently, resigned from my job because of the negative emotions I was feeling with respect to not having a career. I was taking it out on friends and family and I realised there was only one way to fix that: quit. I didn't feel like I was offering my value, ME, to anyone and that starved me of life. I could no longer tolerate sitting at a desk all day long crunching P/L numbers looking at excel. It was a massive snore fest and I needed something new, something refreshing, something more ME!

Obviously, I have been beaten to the ground but I get up every single time. That's why I turned to Youtube. I would love Youtube to turn into a career for me but I don't want to focus on that. I want to focus on providing people who have been through ups and downs in life a feeling that "It will be ok". I would like them to realise that through my laughter, smiles, cheesy editing and childish humor in my video game commentary. I want to have a positive impact on people's lives.

That is why I Youtube
I do it to help other people with their problems. And also to push myself out of my comfort zone and improve my life.
I youtube because it helps me get my ideas out there into a paper! if I need to vent about something or tell a story in order to help others youtube gives me a chance to do that, I want to make people happy and laugh and just help people as much as I can
I started for a few reason. I wanted to grow as person, find myself. I was camera shy just like you. Now I'm starting to get use it. I wanted knowledge on how to use applications such as, adobe and video editors. I wanted to get out of this box, and see the world and start communicating with others. So far, this is a good start for me!
I do it to be productive rather than just sitting in my room all day playing games.I enjoy recording the videos and i enjoy editing them.Its always great to see the finished product and know that YOU made it :)
Hi Guys

Just curious to know, Why everyone do youtube videos?
I bet everyone will have stories to share.
Its actually a really long story. So to keep it short, I was bored. Someone told me how happy I made them. I now work to make peoples day better.
Because of my passion for filmmaking and my passion for YouTube.