How did you start?

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I started my channel because I always wanted to try it after watching a few other Let's Players in the past, but the catalyst to push it harder was after a small series of unfortunate events that left me depressed and very lonely. I always loved playing video games, and I often found myself talking to myself while I play anyway, so I bought a mic, looked up how to set up OBS and hit record lol
It's helped a little with my anxiety and depression since it gives me something to do, I've met new people from all over and chatting with people who comment is always nice.
Wow some of you have some really powerful stories about why you started Youtube.

I started because I thought it would be a great creative outlet for me and because I was bored!
I've been doing youtube for 10 years. Throughout the years I've asked myself: "Why bother to keep making youtube videos? No one cares, you have in reality 50 die hard fans." No matter how many times I've put down that YouTube mic, I always pick it back up. It's become who I am, and without it I don't know what to do with myself. Recently I decided, you know what? I'm going to delete my channel, that way I CAN'T post anything anymore. So I posted an announcement video and received overwhelming support to keep going and keep trying. SO I gave myself a date, a goal to meet by that date and if I fail maybe then it'll be time to find out who I am when I awake from a dreamer's sleep.

In short, I've been doing it for so long, it's become who I am.
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I do it for the money. JUST KIDDING, it's because I love watching people liking content that I had made myself, and they are taking time from their day to see content that I had created myself, which causes me a sense of satisfaction.
The Real Question is Why TF Not!? Everyone is always wanting to know how others live and what they have in common and many of our differences people find different and funny. which is one of the main points of youtube. Nuff said
This is going to be a long reply. Where to start? When I was younger and youtube was still new. YouTube was just a place where I would come to watch the newest funny videos to laugh at after school and things like that. As I got older I saw what youtube became. An empire. It became such a huge influence. Youtubers got movie deals, brand deals, they got rich, but most important of all they effected people. I would see videos where youtubers talked about how people would thank them for making them smile and taking the pain away for a while. It was things like that, that inspired me to do youtube. I noticed that my friends and I shared a lot of similar humor with youtubers. So we figured we would give it a shot. People have been doubting us and we have been severely lacking views. And its kinda depressing. But when we get that rare comment on our videos that tell us how funny we are or we made them laugh. It keeps me motivated and I now the same could be said for my 2 friends that make videos with me. We just want to expand and get more viewers and just make people laugh. We curse, and good off and just mess around and talk crap on each other. But its all for the sake of comedy to get people to laugh a bit. That's why we do it. To brighten peoples day. We just want to reach out to as many people as possible and make them smile. Times have been rough in my life and my friends life too but despite all that youtube helped us stay positive. I guess we just want to return the favor to others.