How did you start?

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I do youtube because it's fun and i like hearing my voice in my videos
it makes me feel special.
And when i feel sad i just think about uploading a video and when i upload it i makes me feel better, that is all.........

(Sorry if i repeat some of the words)
Hey guys! For the last two years or so I've been doing youtube honestly for the love! Sometimes I wish I could reach a broad spectrum of people! Only thing I can do is dream right? I'm interested in who inspired you to do YouTube and why do you do it? (:
Because it is the best hobby out there. I get to create content that other people watch and comment on. It has brought a lot of positivity in my life. I just ignore the trolls.
I love making videos and hope my DIYs inspire people to make and create for themselves, as to me that is the greatest thing there is. :)
I do Youtube because I have a very big vision. I like making people happy and laugh and I am very creative and ambitious. I just recently moved in with my dad to be a consistent Youtuber, something I couldn't do living with my mom because I didn't have any equipment, while my dad had everything I was saving up for. Come show my channel some love! I could use the feedback (:
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To keep it simple, I do YouTube because it's fun and I enjoy the overall interaction between me and my viewers. I upload a lot of online matches that I thought turned out entertaining and when I get support on those videos it makes me feel all that much better about the match.
i do youtube because i enjoy making videos i enjoy editing i enjoy communicating with new people and i love to hear what they think about my content to help me improve.