1. I enjoy watching something I create growing. For example, watching the subscribers count snowballing. It's like planting a garden and a few days go by and, "Bam! Look at that growth spurt!" In youtube's term, to me, it is in month.
2. Also, the idea of making money on youtube is kinda fun. I know people say don't do Youtube for the money, but seeing the money increasing like for the last three months is so thrilling. ($100, $200, $300)<--something near there. (From $100 to $200, one of the channels just went passed the 10K views requirement.) Will the growth continues? How high can it go? Can I do YT full time and become a NEET? I do not know and I want to find out. I am hiding that part of wanting to become a NEET from my family.
3. Getting a lot of views is also fun, too. Knowing that I am getting 2-3 thousand views a day is unbelievable. I still wander who is crazy enough to watch my videos that much.
4. More curiosity. One of my channel is snowballing in subscribers so I want to see how much money I will make if the sub count doubles. If n sub is $50, what will 2n sub be? This is also one of my weakest channel with the most growth in a very dense niche. Will I become the top dog in a few years? It's like a sport game now and is kinda fun. Who will rein supreme!
5. Watching the channel growth brings back fond memories. I remember just before the adprocalyse happen, that channel had such small views, subs, watchtime, and even revenue. I remember how I used to look down on that channel. It was bringing in ~$5. So puny, so boring, so sucky for all that work. I didn't like the idea that most of my viewers were from asia where the CPM was loooow. Ahhh.... I remembered going to Mississippi around 3 months ago, it was sitting at less then 120 subscribers. Then I recall how happy I was when it hit 400 and I told my family about reaching 400 sub. Just recently I checked my gmail and Youtube sent me one of those month in reviews. Next to channel name is subscriber count = 557. Looking at it, I remember when I was in the 500 range.... Wait, that was just last month!

Wow, what I heard about reaching a certain sub count after a few months then double shortly after is also happening to me!
B: >why did you start a youtube channel?
I thought why not record part of the software and place it on youtube. Right now I am the only one using it for the last decade, so sad no one else will ever see it. Even if I place it on youtube, no one can see the other features. So, I made a video and upload it into one of my youtube accounts. Then log out and go to my other youtube account where I bs in other people's comment sections (A lot). Log back in reply to any comments, saw the adsense stuffs... why not? Applied, but never really finished. A few months later, YT send me a mail telling me a pin to enter. OK, sign in. Log back out. I never expected to earn anything thinking I need to get in the hundreds of thousands or millions of views to get even a dime.
Then one day, I was watching one of the youtubers and wonder why he kept uploading every week even though he's getting such low views like 1,000 to 1,500 views per uploads. Then it hit me, the backlog of views from older videos must have added up. Log back into my other youtube account and saw ~$30 for last 28 days. Wait, the small views pay that good? I remember telling my family, "Wow, in a year, I could get over $360 dollars." What if I started adding in more videos and more channels....
On the sad note, not too long ago I check back on that youtuber, his channel was terminated. Yeah, his content was too mature and probably wasn't his anyways.