How did you start?

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I do YouTube because I wanted to start in 2011 because of Dan and Phil (lol) but didn't because I was just too anxious of all the negative comments I might get. I do wonder what might have been if I started it in 2011. (although to be honest probably nothing!)

So I started again in 2015 and have carried on until today. I started off just doing videos about bath bombs and now I'm slowly moving on to vides about social anxiety and conventions. Getting more confident slowly.
I do YouTube because it's something I've always wanted to do years ago. I just didn't know how and where to start. Also I was afraid of what everybody would think.
For me youtube is a side project from my main hobby which is freediving. I enjoy the sport and dive often. The videos I upload result from doing something I love. As a result of this, I feel motivated to share what I see during dives every week.
We started making videos to first improve our two special needs boys speech. Then it turned into a project where we want to inspire people who live with disabilities or special needs to go out and live life to the fullest. Our motto is LET NOTHING HOLD YOU BACK! We love inspiring other people around the world to be positive and go out and have fun no matter what other people might say.

God bless you all for being creators and if you have any questions about our children's special needs or how to vlog with someone who has special needs, feel free to message me or ask away right here.
I do it because its a great tool to show people how you are as a person, as well as a musician (in my ppoint of view). It's like reality TV, and gives us the potential to be the presenters of our own literal channel. Such a dope concept man.
The reason I started my channel is because there are no channels that do Nostalgia News. Its easy to find current news about all genre's as a whole, but noone covers JUST Retro topics. I love everything about the 70s 80s and 90s and wanted to keep up to date on where the old child stars are today, what retro toys are coming, or bands that may be reuniting, or even cool reboots of old 70s and 80s movies and tv shows.

there really isnt anything that specifically talks about this, so I felt that since I am always researching this stuff anyways; maybe I can be of service to those that really love RETRO too. So, thats what im doing. Making videos to let others know whats going on in Nostalgia news.

Its still a work in progress, and I only have about 68 subscribers, but they are important to me, and they are on my channel for a reason. I am just glad to see that even that many enjoy what I am trying to do for them and I am very thankful to have an audience that is enjoying my content.

I haven't really published a video yet but I'm working on one currently, and I think the reason I decided to do it was originally a hobby type thing, but it turned into more than that. What matters the most to me, is hopefully making people laugh, and putting them in a happier mood. I guess, I was also inspired by the youtubers I watch because you can switch them on and forget about everything in your life.
So, I feel like that's why I do youtube