How did you start?

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I do youtube videos to teach people how to manage there money better, it is shameful how many people are living in poverty all because nobody ever taught them how to spend there money wisely.
I think I fall into the large portion of people who have been watching other Youtubers for ages and just love what they do. They inspired me to try out filming and editting, after which I realized I absolutely loved doing it. I had a very hard time deciding what I had to add to the saturated field that is Youtube, but now that I am moving to England very soon I decided to share my journey and experiences. I want to stay in contact with home, but also reach out and meet many other people. I think Youtube will be a great way of doing this :)
I do youtube because it allows me to introduce myself and my Talents to people and it gives me a satisfying feeling every time i post a video and get comments and new subscribers, ive been doing this for 2 years taking breaks for school etc now im trying to get that satisfaction back :)
I started as an experiment to see if I could do it, spurred on by a former friend who was interested in getting started. I discovered that I actively enjoyed it as it ticked my life-long-desires to Entertain and Play Video Games.

From there it has evolved towards me wanting to try and become an Iconic "Australian Lets Player" (using G'Day as my intro, and a Koala/ Drop Bear as my channel Mascot), but also to be a Lets Player who doesn't use Foul Language or Swearing as I feel FAAAAAR too many people rely on that for cheap laughs.

2.4 years later and I'm looking to keep growing and developing - potentially headed into my other passions of educating and informing people of game stuff and my opinion on it, and maybe to even expand into boardgames. People do love my VLogs, and I have an abundance of ideas.

But in the end, I do it cause I want people to know me. I want to have a name that people know. But be known for something nice - nothing controversial or childish. I won't be the first person, but I'd be happy to at least stand aside some of the giants whom I respect.
I do YouTube because it’s fun and I enjoy uploading content to my channel. Not only does it keep me busy but I can say that I built something from the ground up and still growing. I play video games a lot and I enjoy playing with others so why not put them on YouTube so maybe I can help, entertain, or show someone the way through a game.
I have never been very confident when talking or engaging new people and I felt that making a channel would help and it definitely has. I did have a gaming channel before my current one but I wasn't actually having much fun with it and it felt like a chore. The channel I have now is only a month old but I am having 100x more fun with it and I haven't been this happy in a long time! I am finally creating unique content that I am proud of!

I just want to make videos that make people laugh and smile. If I can brighten up someone's day if only for a moment then I am happy with the work that I am doing.

That is why I YouTube.
i think it has been 2 months that i have been making gaming videos. i had taken time off of making videos early in my channel because of a long trip. i have 5 subscribers and am on my way to ten. doin youtube is really fun. i know it is really about how good you are at entertaining and promoting to go big. i really honestly look at youtube as a hobby. i like to see how many views and likes i get. i love interacting with viewers in comments. youtube in general is just like a fun and exciting environment.

what is the reason you enjoy youtube?

why fid you start a youtube channel?
I originally started because I wanted to make videos and post them somewhere for no reason. Then I got into it and started making gaming videos. And here I am now, making decent quality videos and montages of my favorite game. I enjoy YouTube because it gives me a reason to edit videos and create things for the entertainment of others and its really fun!