How did you start?

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I find (might sound cliche) that planning or creating videos does a great job of distracting from anything I'm dealing with at the moment. And when I'm not dealing with anything I just find the process of creating extremely enjoyable. Receiving positive feedback from viewers is the icing on the cake :)
I started YouTube because of the doors that it could potentially open for me, which in turn could help me open doors for others. My overall goal is to help everyone I know and come across to get better opportunities in their lives. There's too much negativity in this world and the majority of people are only in it for themselves. Too many good people are kept down and feel like they're trapped in their current positions with no way out. I'm hoping YouTube can put me in a better position to help people in those positions.
I create quality gaming content because i love doing it! every aspect of video creation is fun for me, i feel like it is good to have a creative outlet as a hobby
This question has been asked several times on the forum and I would like to explain my answer in a little bit of detail:

Youtube has changed me. Before I began my channel early this year, I was an extremely camera shy person with a big inferiority complex. I was convinced to do this by another Youtuber who makes really good vlogs and is extremely comfortable in front of the camera. Being a Youtube personality really appealed to me and I wanted to give it a try not so much to be rich or famous, but to conquer my insecurities.

It was a big step for me because I didn’t quite know how to begin. I had a camera and a hobby but my biggest problem was, and sometimes still is, how to avoid getting tongue tied when the red light is blinking. My first few videos were awful. So awful that they never made it onto my Youtube channel. The first few videos that I did upload are better but still not great.

As I filmed more and more, the videos got better but I concede they still could use improvement. My very first uploaded video, which is my Homemade Doughnuts was the scariest because I filmed the first part of it in a public place (the gym) with a bunch of people, some I knew, others I didn’t standing around watching me. I planned it out a week in advance and even remembered a brief script in my head. I would recite the script out loud in my car while driving everyday until I got it right. It was a success. It was a huge step in overcoming the awkwardness we all feel about filming in public. I still go back and watch that video because I believe it was a turning point for me.

The biggest change is that the camera shyness is completely gone. In fact, I now love being in front of the camera and willing to do things I would never consider doing in the past such as dancing, wearing NO makeup, and acting like a clown. I can’t see myself not doing this because I’m really having so much fun now.

That is why I Youtube

Well that's a long answer, and i hope i can remember all the things i want to say. because there are a lot! I first started actively uploading earlier this year. at least on a regular schedule. I do it because i want to help people. i want to be an escape for those people who need someone. The fact that we all need an escape sometimes. to move through the day in a blur, depressed. and the thought of bringing a smile to their face is all i could ever want. There are so many people we can all help, so many more than we even know. and a number we couldn't possibly comprehend. I want to be someone, not the only one, who helps those people.
Having social disabilities as i do, i understand the fear and shyness. I'm in my 30's, with a family of my own, and sometimes i just need to stop, dive into another world, and think about myself, even if it is only a few minutes at a time, a few hours a week. So i started to realize, knowing what i do, i can help others conquer their insecurities, their fears. or at the very least, help each day be easier for them to cope with. knowing they are not alone. I'm still struggling with a schedule, for the same reasons. But i'll get there, and SO WILL YOU!
youtube should be a platform that we all stand together on, equal. be it from 1 sub, to 40 million views. Viral or not. Seeing people i don't even know, recognize me from my own town and say "OMG, i saw you! I loved that video" has happened only twice. and those were some of the happiest moments of my life. So as long and complicated as this sounds. the simple summation of the question is this.

"Why do you want to do Youtube?"

~Because I want to help people in the only way i know how. as a momentary escape to their world, until such a time as they can look up and say:

"Today. Today will be a good day. Tomorrow will be better. I can do this. I can go on, because i know i am not alone!"

because I myself now know, that I am not alone. I want to pass that feeling along. And to have fun together on the ride.
I do it because I enjoy it. It is really simple. I enjoy the fun I get out of making the videos, I enjoy editing, I enjoy seeing my channel grow, I enjoy making people happy. I only wish I could do this for the rest of my life. The relationships you build from building a youtube community are worth all of the effort.
I Youtube was I want to be self-employed and use it to help people and reach other to the world. I get camera shy to but the more you do it, the better you get at it.
Mines not really a "Why do I youtube" because of me just starting but I know from earlier experiences with friends who do that it is amazing! you get to express yourself in such a great way with so many different types of people who might enjoy what you do and or even love what you do! it can change someones life just as many of my favorite youtubers have changed mine. I'm so happy i decided to start making videos because i feel like it benefits everyone. Its just an amazing experience!!
I do it to hope to make a positive impact on someone's life. I do piano playthroughs/covers and write some original songs. When I was in high school, there was someone that did similar stuff to what I'm trying to do and I remember how much I loved to watch his piano playing and how it inspired me and made me happy. So maybe, with my channel I can do that for someone else some day. :)
I do YouTube because I love to produce a video from beginning till the end. So I play the game, record it, edit it as much as possible and then upload it! That process itself is so entertaining for me that I don't really care about how much views a video gets, but it's always a nice extra to get decent views. ;)