How did you start?

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I do it because I am inspired by the movie "Siargao".
There's a part that travel vloggers are in the movie, and they're making a video of their memories in Siargao. I want to do that also, so I started creating a channel in Youtube to be able to share my memories in travelling.220px-Siargao_movie_poster.png
I love creating and music and acting and talking about things I love! I want to someday make a living making music and things like that. Youtube gives me a platform to share that passion with others without having to have a record deal or something like that, and I have creative control over what I decide to create. It's so fun too!
I started doing YouTube because I am an introvert by nature and very shy. Making videos puts me outside of my comfort zone and gives me something creative to do. I also feel like I have a certain level of knowledge and experience in life that I can share with others.
I do it probably for a little bit of selfish reasons.
1) I love sharing my knowledge with others. The sense that someone has learned something they didn’t know before because of me is an awesome feeling.
2) It helps me learn in SO MANY ways that I couldn’t imagine. (Filming, Lighting, Editting, Script Writing, Music Content Creation, In depth music analyses broken down, schedule keeping, brand creation, marketing.)
3) It allows my creative “artist” inside of me create new music while also educating and editing videos.
4) It hasn’t happened yet but I can’t wait to form new connections, friends, and collaborators through YouTube. It’s access to a world within a world.

There’s no other site or easily joined group in the world that focuses on all of those aspects!
This is why I Youtube!
And actually I wasn’t 100% sure why I did it but after this post I think I’ve clarified it for myself!
At first I was doing it for the money and part of me still am which is wrong, but another part of me loves doing it especially since i found the type of content i want to upload, I used to have another channel where I upload gaming vids but I didn't like doing it but I did it cause i though i was going to make some big money. But then I stopped playing video games...cause I sucked lol and got more into music. I seen those channels that upload non copyrighted music and realized I want to make a channel like that cause 1 I love music and 2 I like sharing music with people and so once I deiced to do that I realize youtube Is a lot more fun when you do what you love now I can say I like doing youtube cause its fun not because of money.
I originally started my youtube channel because wanted to video diary of my pregnancy and early years of my child's life. Then I found out that I had fibroids so I started just to talk about my struggles with fibroids and infertility. I post other videos but my initial intentions were to be a mommy vlogger.
Wow it looks like you've come a long way, congratulations!
But I would have to say, the main reason I to do youtube, is because I want to make people laugh. There's nothing better than knowing you might have just cheered someone up from a bad day.
I was following a number of YouTubers before it even occured to me to start my channel.
My initial trigger was watching Jello's Welcome to YouTube. It was hilarious, but it was the first time I saw a glimpse of what's it like behind the curtain.
What made me do it, however, was Tabbe's channel. Up to her, I thought that YouTubers needed to be rather expressive. However, with her, I realized you could have a sort of a flat voice (full of personality!) and still have an amazing channel.
End result: flat voice and an underwhelming channel. :D
Funny thing is, I am extremely expressive in real life - but since I mash up words when I speak in English real fast, I simply went with the suggestion to talk slowly. I suppose it'll improve as time goes by.