Make sure your batteries are charged, and make sure you save as you go while editing! Have your computer freeze halfway through editing is the worse, especially when you didn't save!
I havent posted a tip in a long time.

Only upload videos that you think are great when you play them back, if you dont like them yourself it is likely others wont too.
Make sure you really like the content you made before uploading.
Don't upload a video if you think the video is kind of good, make sure you like the video you made before you upload to your channel.
Well said Michael and Curiousbrain, I need to do this more.

My tip is to have a working remote for your TV when streaming. Me adjusting the brightness with dead batteries, fun.
Have fun while recording, if you got to force yourself to make a video then you should re-think about doing the video at all as it should go fluently.
Reply to this with a SINGLE YouTube tip. Anything that a YouTuber might find helpful. It can be an obvious tip or something a little more complicated. You don't have to agree with all tips posted. I thought it would be cool to have a whole thread of YouTube tips that are short and easy to read.

ALWAYS wear comfy pajama pants when you film