Also upload video you 100% love and are proud of. That way if you get haters who trolls or people hate it at least you can say you like and defend if need be.
When it comes to the marketing aspect of your channel there is no such a thing as "I did enough".

Learn something new > try it out > learn something new > try it out > learn something new > try it out...
Don't make a video if your really don't want to make one chances are it'll come out lower quality because of it :)
That's so true. I found when I forced myself to do my videos they don't turn out that well and don't get views! Leasson learned.

My tip is try to be social on social media and make contact with people similar to your content.
Don't forget to press record before you start talking. ( :( )

Bill Lumbergh!! It told you I don't have the TPS-Reports!! :)

My Tipp: Get rid of the "all activities" on your channel front page. Rather hit the pencil icon right underneath the banner then click "edit channel navigation" and make sure you enable the brows view.