How did you start?

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I've been into website ownership since I was a young kid back when BBS was still popular. I own a forum that is the largest in its niche with over 7,000 members. I've ran blogs and other sites as well. Now I want to give video a shot and feature my outdoor recreational passions with it. I want to get people outside, supporting forests and woodland activities so that we continue to preserve that sort of thing. We can't forget about nature... that is my goal at least :)
I do it because I gaming is a massive part of my life and just playing wasn't enough, I wanted to share it with others and meet people who shared the same passion.
I just recently started making YouTube videos for a university project. The main goal of the project was to do something you have always wanted to try but feel like you would be too uncomfortable to do normally. For me that is being on camera... I have only posted 2 videos on my channel but it has only been 4 days since my channel was made. I now, even after a short period of time, find myself wanting to make more and with better quality. I still get nervous and tongue tied while recording but I have fun with it and love trial and error with the editing... now if only I could get feedback I could grow but that is all in due time. Everyone needs a hobby.
I started making YouTube videos because it seems like a really great community to be a part of!
Back in high school I took some classes on Computer Graphics, and I had a really great teacher who introduced us to many of the adobe programs. Ever since then, I have really gotten into making little videos and so I decided to finally start making some for YouTube ^_^
i started my channel because im completely tired of watching the news where everyone is bias one way or another. I want to stop that and give people a place that where they can catch the major news in an independent no bias format without any political correctness. People deserve the truth.
Well i started off youtube (dota videos initially) to prank players online jus for fun. But as the community grows, sometimes i get comments from fans saying how much they enjoy my videos when they're having a hard time due to exams or unfortunate family passing~ To know that my positive personality had such a strong influence on them, to know that it can brighten their mood even slightly when they are depressed, is really all the motivation i need.

This is when i realize youtubing is all about connecting with people. I even had a fan's mom thanking me and i did a small Minecraft collaboration (channel/UCKyj1-sYXBXMYtp4vThKPvA) with the kids just to give them a taste of how youtube works :) it's silly, but the stupid memories we created is precious :D
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When I was 14 I read a quote. It said, "When people ask me what equipment I use – I tell them my eyes." At the time it sounded so pretentious to me because I always had excuses like, "if I had a better lens..." or "if I had an actual camera I could..." I was literally 14. All I had was a disposable camera that I found in my Aunt's closet. It had 11 shots left on it. I kept it to myself. A secret you could say. I probably broke a world record with how long I had that one camera. I pretended to press the shutter when I thought the moment was right, but making sure not to ever press it. It lasted about a year after I initially found it. When the photos finally came back I saw what my Aunt had taken—it was fun. It captured a lot of great times in her life. When I saw mine however, it showed something else. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't like it. So, I worked on being more authentic—more genuine. I wanted to show something not only to others, but to myself.

It's been 5 years since, and I find myself 19. My only "equipment" being my Nikon that I got from two great people for Christmas last year. My point is this: It doesn't matter the equipment, it doesn't matter the lens, or what type of camera you're using. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your videos.

So, like a lot of you, I'm trying to innovate. I'm trying to stop making the same stale videos that I see so often. Call me pretentious, or a perfectionist. Maybe that's why I take forever to put out content. At the end of the day, I want something that'll last. Something that'll encapsulate what I felt or saw at that moment. I want to look back when I'm 25, 40, or even 60 and can honestly say that I remember the moment I pressed the shutter.

Why do you create?

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