I've made a ton of videos since I started doing this professionally back in 2014. (guess, is it already 4 years ago?) I've worked on giant commercial shoots with 30 people running and gunning. Where the planning took well over a couple of months.
The quickest project I did before starting on doing YouTube-videos was 3 weeks. That was a commercial for a small client, locally. Now? Now I have tried doing a video in a day. I have made freezeframes and stupid double entries. Weird cuts and all kinds of non-sense buildups.
In the next couple of videos I am going to start heavily including sound effects and hopefully soon weird transitions and a more beautiful grading. Why? Because I like to grow in areas where I normally have other professional coworkers take over.
I make YouTube videos because I find it fun and because I love the training platform that I have available. And I feel honored that almost 100 people decided that they would like to follow me on my quest to becoming an even greater storyteller.