How did you start?

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I've inspired my youtube channel from Vocku100.
I loved how he makes videos and hes contact and I knew I can do something like that.
No copy hes style, but making interesting videos for people other then just hearing me talking while playing a game.
Inspired by trap nation. i like how he shout out new producer's music into his channel and get them some recognition. i find that great.
I started my channel 7 weeks ago because I really think it will add value to anybody doing marketing. I really want to help people get more from their efforts. I also love presenting and learning how to sound good on camera. And also, find learning any new social media platform exciting!
I think it's just really fun! Video editing and watching myself is embarassing haha but it really helps with boosting your confidence as well!
I felt that something was missing and my life. I started doing youtube as a hobby but i enjoy making people laugh and to my surprise editing was fun to me, and it gave me a sense of accomplishment when I finished a video and got positive feedback on it. I love recording and the freedom that comes with being a youtuber. I really found a passion for something unexpected.

Check out my channel guys I would really appreciate the support.

i do it to be able to see people smile and create a positive vibe around my channel and see if people would want to see my content and see if they share the same interest.
Really I see all these detailed replies but mine answer is so simple. I absolutely love creating content in hopes someone else can see it and I can inspire them to make some leap that they were scarred to take before
Hey guys, new to the community and just wanted to know why everyone makes their amazing content and how you all stay motivated to keep things consistent?

After watching travel and lifestyle vlogs I became in love with the idea of creating my own and teaching myself everything I possibly can to put out the best content and to progress with every video. This completely changed my work ethic and I figured out that YOUTUBE is my passion. Tell me your story