How did you start?

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I do youtube because I love editing videos and youtube has given me an outlet to express my creativity. Also my addiction for video games is now being put to a much better use. I have been able to connect with so many different people from all over the world. I also love getting positive feedback from all my viewers and love the bond I've been able to build with so many people.
I mainly started to store the memories I've taken on my phone. I'm the type of guy to take videos rather than pictures. I'd rather have live footage rather than a simple picture, though a picture is still ok.

Also just like what everybody said: to entertain people. In addition to this... to help people through tips and advice.
When I record videos with friends I just forgot that I even pressed the record button and then I've got a good memory of when me a couple mates were messing about on a game. I edit and upload it in the hopes that other people will find it as funny as we do.
I do YouTube because I needed something to give me some sort of self accomplishment. Other than a busy work schedule during the week and my kids, I really didn't have anything else going on and sadly I don't live in a place to do some of my hobbies like woodworking or mechanics. I love watching my favorite YouTuber's videos so I asked myself "maybe I should give it a shot". Ever since then I've been hooked, though I'm still quite new to this.
For me, it was a combination of several things. The first one is I want to be a writer, but I have been finding it difficult recently as I enjoy writing but see it as both work and a hobby. I felt like I needed another hobby, which had a bit less pressure to it, but where I could also be creative. Doing game discussion allowed me to develop my critical analysis, and writing skills, while just having a good time doing it. I was also inspired by YouTubers like Games as Literature, MatthewMatosis and Noah Caldwell-Gervais who I thoroughly enjoy watching. I have loved the journey so far. It has given me more than I hoped for.
I was inspired by a youtuber to make a little extra money and it was a hobby. I was a home mechanic working on my own cars and filmed myself doing it to help others. During this early time is when I started to branch out and find other niches. I would love for it to be a full time job but I feel the risks too great so shall just keep it as a money making hobby.
I was inspired by a youtuber to make a little extra money and it was a hobby. I was a home mechanic working on my own cars and filmed myself doing it to help others. During this early time is when I started to branch out and find other niches. I would love for it to be a full time job but I feel the risks too great so shall just keep it as a money making hobby.
It would be great to be able to do it as a full time job LOL! Just wanted to give you a friendly heads up, I tried to check out your channel and your link doesn't seem to work. Go into your profile on here and change your setting from "channel" to "user". Once you do that, you can go back onto one of your posts and check to see for yourself if it works. I know, it's odd, I had to same issue.