Upload videos that you are proud of uploading. Don't force yourself to upload videos that you aren't particularly proud of, it won't do much for you.
Loads of people have probably already said this but be consistent! Keep making videos on a regular basis in the same general category and people will be interested
Youtube tip: If you're a guy, change your gender to female. You'll have higher chances to become successful! ;)

And now my serious youtube tip: Go comment on new videos that relate to your content but don't exactly tell people to go check your video out just be nice and say anything. Its enough if you're being social in comments of other peoples videos that relate to your content. :smilingcute:
That's a tip i already know work's well lol , but to be honest i do luv talking with people , at first i did it to just get notice but now i do it for the conversation , i just reach my first 100 subs without asking a single soul to sub to me but then again i did put in the work :)[DOUBLEPOST=1449517711,1449517559][/DOUBLEPOST]
Loads of people have probably already said this but be consistent! Keep making videos on a regular basis in the same general category and people will be interested
This is quite right , i did a test on my channel and realize as soon as changed my category my views fell :( so i'm sticking to want earned my most subs and views , switiching this up works for some people[DOUBLEPOST=1449518101][/DOUBLEPOST]Before u click that "render" or "publish" button , think to yourself and don't lie to yourself did really create the best video i could ? , wasn't there something else i could added to up the production value , i know this part is hard but if u know deep down that u didn't "DO NOT POST IT" make it over most people would probably say it's fine or GWRRGRG it's too much work but believe me it's worth it, people will see the effort you put in and respect u for that. Beside u don't want to have a bunch of videos on youtube that every time u see it u feel unsatisfied right ?
when making a thumbnail never use the same background in consecutive videos, it will make users think you double uploaded and will lead to less views lol
It's a good idea to have a few videos in the bank, most likely on private, so that if things come up, you can still post a video and get right back on track.