I think collaborations help with exposure and having fun or meeting new people, just don't give them any power
My tip would be to always check back on your past videos so you know if you are making any improvement. See if your views, likes and even comments are going up, and see if you enjoy watching them and don't find it too boring (You might find it a bit boring because it's you )
background music can improve a gaming video by an insane margin. if you play something kinda upbeat you can get away with more down moments where you're setting up something funny that happens.
I find that 2-3 minutes is usually a good time-frame for videos as attention spans in our society seem to be getting shorter and shorter. However, that depends on the type of video of course.
Also that background music seems to make just about everything better.
Don't include a paragraph at the bottom of your video description with keywords or tags. This was common-practice years ago, so if you still have that in some of your videos make sure to get rid of them. YouTube have implemented a new algorithm and are deleting all the videos they find with tags in the description box.
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