Post unique content videos on YouTube. The content of the video and its title should be related to each other. Your video should be informative to your users.
Don't copy any Youtubers, make your own distinct identity.
I totally agree, this is the first thing I learnt and I put it down to my fast growth, when I do a search I always find my videos quickly. From what I've read, your allowed 500 characters, that makes for a lot of good tagging including long tail keywords.
Tags come after title and description. Youtube itself confirmed that tags has very low affect. Also using too many tags is not recommended.
you may make your videos only by writing the scripts and put them in front of the softwore(vidvamp) and boom, it will narrate the scrips withe a hight quality and rapidity. you may also edit or apply effects existed. It's better if you don't have a very sweety voice.
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I always wondered why my videos had a different color/brightness on my computer than on YouTube.

Calibrate your screen with something like a Spyder. The color/brightness change is insane.
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Keep updating your channel with videos, be consistent, and don't forget to share it to social media platforms. Keep doing that and hopefully, one of your videos will get viral