ENGAGE in the community that is your niche. Make thoughtful, genuine, ON-TOPIC comments on other channels in your niche. Ask questions, get involved. It's done more for my channel than almost anything. I've gotten a few "shout outs" from large channels in my niche this way. Particularly if you can catch one of the big channels in your niche Live Streaming. Get in there and chat with them! I started my channel two months ago and am about to cross 800 subscribers, mostly from just being involved in the community surrounding my niche.
Most important is make great content. If the content is engaging or triggers emotions, no matter how long the video is, people will continue watching. Just take for instance the movie Avatar is around a 2-3 hour movie. People have attention spans if its captivating.
My tip would be to communicate with your audience and use social media. Even if your audience is just your mother or father if you show you actively communicating in your video comments or during the video new viewers will be more likely to subscribe if they believe you are active in the community. Being active on social media helps you reach new people who will see your posts about new videos. Even if they followed you because of some other random post about your cat they will still see the video post.
Be innovative. Nobody will go very far doing the same thing that everyone else is doing.

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If your channel has any sort of local presence or based on something that is typically dealing with a subject matter find the same channels dealing with the area or subject matter.

I subbed to my local news stations , paper, and colleges so when they post a video I leave a comment as simple as "wow, neat, oh how horrible " just depending on the event. I have gotten 30 subs in the last 10 days doing this trick (that I read elsewhere, but can't remember. ).
Ask some good question to your audience / viewers, and let em write their opinion at the comment section, make a comversation with em. It can boost your comments rate.

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Something someone pointed out on my channel and I've seen others do it too... Make sure you jazz up your home page a bit, particularly 'For New Visitors'. I've seen channels (and mine was the same for a short time) where the home page is literally blank, no video, no playlists etc, and the default reaction when you see that is to assume they have 0 videos.