(1) Be ridiculously attractive, hilarious, or drunk--ideally, like Hannah Hart, all three.
(2) Don't eat for a full day before you record to ensure a slender look and absence of food in your teeth.
(3) Look at your phone from time to time and say, "Isn't that nice, Tyler Oakley* has texted me again." *Gamers should use PewDiePie.

Or just be yourself and have fun!
This tip is realistic but maybe not idealistic:

Make videos involving things that are in-style, current, or relevant to most people. For example, if you're a musician, cover new hit songs. It'll allow for more views and even if it's not what you're into, at least you branched out and tried something out of your comfort zone.
Tag tip: If you are doing a review of anything, ie. movies, games, dog food add the tag: [name of thing being reviewed] review. I do movie reviews and only added the title of the movie in the tag. But never added the movie name + movie review. For example = "Guardians of the Galaxy movie review". Once I did this, I started to see more views.
*Carmella sits down on the keyboard* alkjsfadf oho3214 jhasff
Don't make have an intro longer than 10 seconds no one want's to watch an intro that's super long, also simple is sometimes better you don't need a bunch of flashy lights and dubstep to get people to watch a nice friendly but quick intro should be enough. Also don't feel the need to put an intro before every video save it for special occasions like milestones :)