Energy, energy and more energy when commentating. I don't care if your discussing operational psychology in regards to monetization models of F2P mobile games, be enthusiastic to make every video epic in some way.

Not easy to learn to do; however, I found first to view your time on the mic/camera as acting. However, to keep from going overboard and seeming fake (can be worse than boring), just in-vision your ideal self in a super good mood. Then learn to flip the switch when recording to produce this even when you're in a lousy mood.

It's something I am still learning and always will be, but pay attention to any of the really successful YouTubers to get an idea of how it's done correctly.
That's some really good advice. Thanks. XD. I'm definitely checking your stuff out.
Don't get trapped in the hype. You don't need intros, outros, thumbnails, optimized SEO, channel banner, avatar, call-to-actions..I could keep going but you see what I mean. That's 7 things to consider before even making content and I find that sick. Just do you and the rest will follow. Have a plan of course but focus on you and what content you're going to create.
Some people will kill me for saying this but always, quality over quantity. My channel is pure comedy and I want to keep a consistency in what I do and I've learnt that keeping your audience happy is making the most of every video. If I could make my videos weekly with the way I do it I would but because of how I do them, it's just not possible.
Always be yourself, and don't post what you don't like. Try not to rant in vids about haters, as they always gonna hate. Try to feel your inner ginger, as we are sort of a tough species! Vid on how to do that will happen eventually xD. Be engaging with your fanbase, and ALWAYS be humble! :)