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Hey all,
I was just thinking about my milestones, for January I've set milestones I'd like to make and I know others have if not for January then for all of 2016, so let's make this happen for ourselves and for others.
Post your goals here, and let's see if we can help each other out, or just offer advice, let's do it :coolphones:

My personal goals for January are to make it to 70 Subscribers and to reach 1,000 views.
Good you have something what you really love! keep doing it, and hopefully you get your milestone by the end of next year :)

For myself i just want to grow and make the channel exactly as i want. Hopefully at the end of the year i've achieved this.
My sub goals aren't that high. almost reached 50 in 2.5 months.
so i hope 200-300 at the end of 2016, and 15.000 views :)
My goal is in my signature ;)

I'm pretty new just like you, only being going for a couple of months. My goal for 2016 will be to settle on a upload schedule that is enjoyable and won't leave me burned out... Oh and to bring a more personal touch to the channel.
How do you plan to bring a personal approach to this? Can I ask that here in this subforum?
Hi @Readee! Your goals look pretty much promising and I bet you can do much more in 2016! Just be yourself, keep it your way and be persistent! Upload schedule (which I need to do too) is important, interact with your subscribers and post on social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You need to balance quantity and quality and you should get there to your goal soon enough!

I now have 111 subs and have a goal to get at least 300 subs by the end of this month. I'll work and try my best!

I hope I did help you and other fellow YouTubers ;)
Mine is to just get 100 subs and to upload more frequently, I get demotivated on a project extremely quickly which means my content takes that much longer to make.
So now it's a new year what are your plans for your channel ?

I am planning more action videos such as snowboarding and skateboarding as I got a GoPro this Christmas !

Any tips would be appreciated too :3
To start making short sketches and skits and overall more comedic content on my channel, instead of the standard vlogs I have been doing. I would also love to reach 300 subscribes by, hopefully, summer, if not the end of the year haha!
Try to be more positive. I tend to lash out due to I am annoyed because people give rude looks when I am minding my own and vlogging. Due to how I was raised I was just taught like it's rude to just stare at people like that or just stare period.
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So now it's a new year what are your plans for your channel ?

I am planning more action videos such as snowboarding and skateboarding as I got a GoPro this Christmas !

Any tips would be appreciated too :3

If there was a way you get more action shots from different perspectives like maybe have a friend who has their own GoPro and they could film you doing stuff or you could give them your GoPro and just do different routes but pretty much, it would be cool if did stuff with different perspectives.
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