milestone announcements

  1. Kuudere Ghost

    I just reached 100 subscribers!

    This is amazing, I just reached 100 subscribers and now I have my own custom url! Both of which I think are awesome. It has been great learning on the way, and now I know what kind of content I want to make. It has also shown me just how enjoyable uploading a video every day is.
  2. Raid MusicHD

    Woohoo just reached 100 subs!!!!!

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just reached 100 subs when I slept at night ;) without Sub4Sub (Now 101) Thank you for all who supporting me. Love you all Now #Roadto200subs By the way don't use Sub4Sub, cause that's how People of "distress" think :/
  3. KantoGaming


    I have reached 800 Kanto Fam members!! Let me tell you, it was hard! Especially since I took a break from YouTube and came back I'm so over joyed and I never thought I would make it this far. Now onto 1,000!!
  4. iEpitome

    I Have Recently Reached 1,000 Subscribers!

    I am so glad that I just reached 1,000 subscribers on YouTube, but knowing that there are numbers greater then 1,000 then that would mean that the grind won't stop. Any Support would be greatly appreciated!
  5. radialDomo

    I recently hit 2000 Views!!

    I recently just hit my 2000 view on top of my 100th video, I'm quite proud of myself:smug:.
  6. FunWithTheBugs

    We Hit 1,000 Subs!

    Our channel started on 6/3/2016 and we hit 1,000 subs yesterday. A few months ago we were basically frozen at around 600 subs and thanks to some users here and some other awesome YouTubers we were able to fix some things with our channel that really helped our growth pick up. I didn't see this...
  7. Abigail Tait

    3 years to 100 subs!!!

    Just a week ago I realised I hit 100 subs! It was just a little over my 3 years on YouTube! Definitely given me a confidence boost as I never imagined I've ever get to 100 :')
  8. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Crossed 1k Views On My Channel!!

    Hello best friends, I just crossed 1k views on my channel which is pretty awesome & it's my birthday today.So overall this is become my luckiest birthday.Please pray for me.My next target will be to get 10k views on my channel. Thanks a lot :)
  9. Readee

    Goals for 2016

    Hi everyone I just started my channel last week and am now hooked on making Youtube videos. So i'm now want to set myself some Goals for 2016. I was thinking around 1000 subs by the end of next year. do you think this is a realistic goal or am i setting the bar to high or low? would love to hear...
  10. Abdullah Ajmal

    reached 50 subscribers

    I reached 58 subscribers. YAAAAAYYYY! Few more to hit 100