Idk why this was moved here, I felt like where it was was ok, but i guess it still exists on the forums so yeah... :/
What am I going to talking about?
This thread is not talking about goals like "I want at least 10 comments per video or 100k views a month." Though great goals, I am simply talking about the goals of views, watch time, and subscriber counts, just as my own are. I will be using my numbers as an example. If we logically look at a video, subs, and watch time, our goals should be correlated. My current goals in my signature are based off of experience and a little bit of thinking, but If I were to base it all on my sub goal, what should te numbers really be?
The Numbers! Good luck getting through this still sane... I wasn't afterwards 
Lets start with the rules. If I am going to post 228+ videos this year, I want all my subs to watch them, and even more so all of them to watch a good amount of the video. Let's be generous and say they don't watch ALL of my videos, but most, so 150. Ok, so now that I have a base number for videos to post, let's look at my subscribers. In a perfect world all 400 (my goal obviously) would watch all my videos, but we already gave them a break at 150, but not all of my subscribers will watch my videos, so let's cut some slack at 300 of them watching all 150 of my videos. This right here would mean a goal of 45,000 views, which is substantially higher than my goal. This number does not factor in one time watchers or those who watch my videos but who don't have an account to subscribe with. Furthermore my average video is about 25 minutes long, give or take. Let's also cut some slack here and say they don't 100% watch the video, but skip over some parts here and there or simply don't finish, so 20 minutes. My watch time goal would be 900,000, again, a lot higher than it is. However these numbers cut a lot, and I mean A LOT of slack even for being ambitious, in my eyes that is. So what would a perfect number be? Well, 228 videos (let's assume that I'll post more, 250 (cause round numbers) times 400 for views, (1 sub = 1 view) times 30 for watch time. (average length of video plus a little due to some long videos) This would mean, with a perfect 400 subs watching most of all my videos my goal would be 100,000 views and 3,000,000 minutes watched. (2083 days) Which is a great much higher than even my stretch goals. But this is obviously not a perfect world, so let's look at PewDiePie's channel for example. (biggest number = a base) To understand why I chose him, just look at his subscriber count, 40 million. This is a large sample to get some averages on. So let's get going with the PewDiePie number bases. PewDiePie has 41 million subscribers. On average his videos have 3 million views per video (some more some less) Which means about 1/13 of his subscriber watch each video. his videos are about 10-15 minutes long and based off of previous studies about half of the people who click on the average video, will leave by the middle of a video. and only 1 in 20 or less watch it till the very end. This means he gets an ever age of 7-8 minutes of watch time per video. This means with 41,000,000 million subscribers, 1 video a day, 3,000,000 views a video, and 7 minutes of watch time per view, PewDiePie would expect to have 1.1 billion views a year and 7.7 billion minutes watched. In a perfect world these numbers would be 15 billion views a year and 150 billion minutes watched. Now let's take a look at the fractions of reality vs. perfect. he has approx 1/15 his expected views and 1/21 of the minutes watched. Let's translate this to my channel. the perfect world numbers were 100,00 views and 3,000,000 minutes. 1/15 of 100,000 is 6667 (factor in my current count this is 12,600) and 1/21 of 3,000,00 is 142,857. (with current count it would be 167,000) So based off of PewDiePie's stats that would be my real goals. My watch time stretch goal is close to that, and my view stretch goal is significantly higher than it. In fact my view goal for 2016 is right where is should be based off of PewDiePie. My watch time is low (like really low). But The numbers on PewDiePie's channel can be seen as flawed right? So let's look at someone else. Say Markiplier? (Because I like Markiplier) after a short look his numbers look like this. 11 million subscribers, 1.5 video views on average, new videos every 12 hours (aka 2 a day) 15 minute video length average. per year he should expect (off of these numbers) 1 billion new views a year and 7.5 billion minutes watched. (close to PewDiePie's right?) And now in a perfect world he would get 8 billion views and 80 billion minutes. Fractions? Views are 1/8 what they should be and minutes are 1/10 (rounded numbers) These fractions are certainly different than PewDiePie's right? So let's translate this to my channel. To recap, 100,000 views was perfect and 3,000,000 watch time. 1/8 of 100,000 is 12,500 and 1/10 of 3,000,000 is 300,000. (add in my current counts my goals would be 20,000 views and 325,000 minutes) This means that my goals are both far too low for where they should be based off of Markiplier. For the sake of a pool of number let's look at one more channel. Jacksepticeye? A quick look tells me that Jack has 8 million subs, 1.5 million video views, daily uploads, and 20 minute videos. His expected gains would be 550 million view gain and 5.5 billion minutes watched. A perfect world would say that he gets 3 billion views and 38 billion minutes watched. fractions say that he gets 1/6 of the views and 1/7 minutes. Translate to my numbers and we get 16,666 views and 428,000 minutes. (My goal would be 23,000 views and 450,000 minutes) These numbers a a lot bigger than both Markiplier and PewDiePie, and a lot higher than my goals.
In Review:
I will try to set this up so you can use your numbers too with a small bit of calculating.
For the review I will use my stretch goals as my numbers. First will be goal (Whatever you choose) Then in a perfect world (Sub goal x expected videos posted) Then will be the PewDiePie standard (1/15 perfect views and 1/21 perfect watch time.) Then will be the Markiplier standard (1/8 perfect views and 1/10 perfect watch time) And Finally the Jacksepticeye standard. (1/6 view goal and 1/7 watch time goal)
What would my goals look like after all of this?
Views: Current goal: 12,500 Current stretch Goal: 25,000 Perfect world goal: 100,000 PewDiePie Standard: 12,600 Markiplier Standard: 20,000 Jacksepticeye Standard: 23,000
( Goal |stretch|Perfect | PewDiePie|Markiplier|Jacksepticeye)
(12,500|25,000|100,000| 12,600 | 20,000 | 23,000)
Watch time: current goal: 45,000 Current stretch Goal: 100,000 Perfect world goal: 3,000,000 PewDiePie Standard: 167,000 Markiplier Standard: 325,000 Jacksepticeye Standard: 450,000 minutes
( Goal | stretch | Perfect | PewDiePie|Markiplier|Jacksepticeye)
(45,000|100,000|3,000,000| 167,000 | 325,000 | 450,000)
What are your thoughts on these numbers and if you are dedicated, what would your goals look like on these charts? Let's talk about it below!