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Hi everyone
I just started my channel last week and am now hooked on making Youtube videos. So i'm now want to set myself some Goals for 2016. I was thinking around 1000 subs by the end of next year. do you think this is a realistic goal or am i setting the bar to high or low? would love to hear what your goals are too
No goal is ever too high if it's reasonable :) i just hit 350 subs yesterday on Christmas when I had that goal set for NYE. Let me add to your collection by subscribing :)
I've started something less then a month ago and my goal would be at least 250 subscribers and 10000 views by the end of 2016.

That would be something amazing for me because I enjoy doing this.
Check out my channel in my signature, and if you like subcribe me to help reach my goals.
Goals for 2016 are something like this:

Personal channel
Subs: 400 - PASSED
views: 5000 (hard to imagine, so yeah)

Subs: 100 (paifully said)
Views: 90k (will see)

well I need to update some goals right now :P

Personal channel (Tech, Education, Vlogs) :
Subs: 1000 (WIP with AdWords)
Views: 500 (WIP with AdWords)
GOAL FOR 2016 is about 250+ subs and over 20.000 views !! I´m about to get my 50 subs in the next few weeks or so ! Very excited bout it ! :):):)
i think its a good goal, ive only started my channel about a month ago and im hooked too. i hope you and i get to our goals
With less than a week remaining in the year, I think it's time to think about channel goals for the upcoming year. I wouldn't call them New Year's Resolutions because resolutions don't last as long as they do to create them.

What makes a Good Goal?

In setting good goals, one should make sure they are SMART - Specific/Measurable/Attainable/Realistic/Time-related. Or simply put, you should set goals that can actually be achieved, and for which success or failure can be measured objectively at a specific point in time.

Examples of bad goals: "Make better videos", "Get more viewers", "Make Hello Kitty Online Videos", "become rich and famous".

Examples of good goals: "Minimum of X views per video average over the year", "Total of Y views by June 30th", "create Z Hello Kitty Online videos each quarter", "Upload one monetized video every single week throughout 2016".

You see the difference, right? The first set's conditions are all very unspecific. What constitutes "better videos"? How do you measure something like that? How can you put a timeframe on something that vague?

You might think that setting bad goals is no big deal, but I think it's a problem. Ill-defined goals are often not actionable; you won't be able to formulate a clear way to reach them. If you set yourself goals that you can't possibly fulfill, you may end up discouraged. And above all, chasing something that is totally out of reach may misdirect your efforts into wholly nonconstructive directions.

My goals for 2016
  • 1 video Monday through Friday without interruptions.
  • 1 livestream at least once a month.
  • 1 vlog at the end of each month.
  • Collaborate with at least one channel for a couple of videos.
  • Double my analytics next year (160 Subs, 20K views)
  • Support other channels and help them grow in anyway I can.
I'm hoping to learn from my mistakes in 2015 and come out swinging next year.

What are your goals for 2016? What do you hope to achieve, and until when? If it's something that depends on the actions of others, what's your strategy to get there?
Well 11 months of this year have been awful for me with YouTube but this one month has been awesome so my goals time
- maintain a good 3 uploads per month ratio
- work hard on editing and don't get sloppy
- try and reach 100 subs ( in May my subscribers will go up a lot trust me I know this )
- try get to 1000 views
Thsts about it
Hello everyone!
My goal by 2016 is to at least get 50 subscribers
It will really mean a lot!
Thank you.
My YouTube is BustalaHD
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