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My goal for 2016 is to get between 500 and 1000 subscribers but also to get people excited for my video's and don't just subscribe and never watch my video's again and ofcourse listening to their feedback and trying to get better at making commentarys because i just started a good week ago i realise that i still have a lot to learn and i'm trying to improve my self in every possible way.
probably a little optimistic... but you gotta dream big. So for 2016 im going to shoot for 70k subs. Currently at 22,741.
I would like to do atleast 2 video vlogs a week and have at least 100 sub... I'm going soft but I also would like to go to vidcon too
My goals for 2016:
- Reach 30K, only 500 from 20K so it a doable goal
- Create a project which i've been meaning to do for 2 years now!
- Put more time into my channel and produce videos either daily or every other day
- Bring animations to my channel
- Be more active on this forum....I would be stupid not to at this point, it's such a fantastic resource for information and help/support.
- Work with other YouTuber on projects
- Put more time into editing to increase my production value.
- Bring more games to the channel other than Minecraft

My number one goal those, more important that all of those is to keep having fun doing it, I dont want to get back into the situation I was in last year where everything just became routine and I was churning out the pretty much the same video each week.
- Keep finding the joy in what I do :)
I'm going for 300 subs ^_^. Last summer I created a gaming channel and ended up with 6 subs at 31 december. This now channel is all about tutorials. My new goal for this year will be 300, and I'll be happy if I reach that :D!
I do weekly vlogs now on my channel, but in the summer time my goal is to travel all over the united states. Making more regular adventure type vlogs. i have 57 subscribers now and my goal by the end of the summer will be 500.
My goals for 2016:
1) 1000 subs by the end of the year.
2) 10000 views by the end of the year.
3) Have a good fan base.
4) Have a good time :)

If anyone has similar goals or thinks I can achieve my goals, reply to my comment and check out my channel. I hope you enjoy my content and subscribe to see more. I also listen to my subscribers if they recommend I do something, etc.
Thanks for taking the time to read my comment and I hope you subscribe!!! :dance::wavespin:

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