My goals for 2016:
- Reach 30K, only 500 from 20K so it a doable goal
- Create a project which i've been meaning to do for 2 years now!
- Put more time into my channel and produce videos either daily or every other day
- Bring animations to my channel
- Be more active on this forum....I would be stupid not to at this point, it's such a fantastic resource for information and help/support.
- Work with other YouTuber on projects
- Put more time into editing to increase my production value.
- Bring more games to the channel other than Minecraft
My number one goal those, more important that all of those is to keep having fun doing it, I dont want to get back into the situation I was in last year where everything just became routine and I was churning out the pretty much the same video each week.
- Keep finding the joy in what I do