
  1. A

    How to have manageable video size while recording using Android smartphones?

    I have Xiaomi smartphone with Android operating system in it. Whenever I record something using the front camera, even if just for a few seconds, the recorded video file size comes out to be very large as compared to the duration of the video. I say this because I have previously downloaded...
  2. Obadur

    Request Introducing iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max - Unboxing, Setup and First Look

    iPhone 13 Pro Unboxing, Größenvergleich & Gewinnspiel! Das iPhone 13 Pro ist erschienen, statt nur ein Unboxing zu machen, habe wir uns entschieden, in einem ausführlichen Kamera Test, sowohl das iPhone 13 Pro als auch das iPhone 13 Pro Max zu testen und zu vergleichen. Hüllen und...
  3. Nicekid76

    What camera are you using for your channel?

    What camera are you using for your channel? I'll go first? I use a Canon 60D for my YouTube videos. I've been using the camera since 2012 and I think it released in 2011. Shoots at 1080p 30FPS. The camera still "holds up" for the most part, but it's definitely not as sharp as cameras from the...
  4. D

    Equipment for tween interested in creating

    Hi, My tween daughter is interested in creating content. She's made a few videos for gaming and crafts. She's been balancing her phone on various things so could certainly do with at least a tripod. But I'd like to buy her some other things for Christmas. I'm thinking about a microphone, table...
  5. Kira1

    Best Camera for under $300?

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a camera to start my youtube journey and my budget is around $300 what would you guys recommend?
  6. F

    Camera for POV walking

    I am looking for a camera and microphone to record POV walking. Anyone got a tip? Been looking at gopro and other, but gopro got some sideways stabelizing problems from what I could read. So what would you recommend?
  7. BrettTaylorYT

    What is THE BEST vlogging camera?

    I’m considering getting either the Canon m50 or the Canon G7X Mark ii. Here’s what I’m thinking, the G7X can fit in my pocket, so I wouldn’t have to bring a camera bag wherever I go and I could do more impromptu vlogs, but there’s a fixed lens, so I can’t really “grow” with it, and it doesn’t...
  8. B

    Looking for camera / lighting recommendations

    Hi guys, I'm just about to start a channel doing guitar covers and I'm looking for recommendations as to what kind of camera I should get? 1080 and 60fps will do for now. Don't have a huge budget but willing to stretch if it'll improve the channel. Also, I haven't much knowledge when it comes...
  9. A

    Is this a good camera bundle??

    Hey I’m really wanting to start making videos but I’m a novice with cameras and editing would this bundle be a good place to start or should I get the camera only? Photo attached. Thanks
  10. Stata Training School

    Microphone and Camera

    Can someone recommend to me a top quality microphone and camera brands for youtube tutorial video production? Recommendations will be highly appreciated.
  11. Strobelite Gaming

    D&D Recording layout

    so, Me and my friends want to stream/record our dungeons and dragons. was wondering. if anyone here knows what kind of camera layout would be good. There are 4 of us.
  12. Stoner Gamer

    Getting used to speaking to a camera

    How has it been for everyone trying to talk to a camera for the first time. I find it a bit weird at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. What helps you?
  13. BrettTaylorYT

    What’s your setup?

    I was curious what you all use for your set up? (Camera, lights, mic, etc). I’ve already got a pretty good mic and camera set up (I use a RODE mic (also a Neewer NW-700 microphone for voice overs) and a Canon Rebel T5 as well as the Rebel T5i also my iPhone). But my main issue is lighting. I’m...
  14. mrroy44

    What (cinematic) camera('s) are best for me?

    Hi there! I'm new here and new to vlogging. I understand that the question I'm going to ask probably doesn't have one ultimate answer, but I'm going to ask anyway. I am a professional photographer, and shooting with two Canon 5d III and I got a fair amount of high quality lenses. But, last...
  15. Brittneytaylorwg

    Vlogging with a dslr? Opinions?

    I don't have a vlog camera and my phone has no space (well enough to film longer than 5 minutes) and I was wondering what everyone's personal thoughts were on blogging in public or in general with your dslr camera instead of a simple point and shoot or a simple digital camera. I personally think...
  16. Brittneytaylorwg

    Camera/SD card issue??!!!!!

    I have a canon rebel t5 and use a sandisk ultra 80mb/s 32gb SD card and it has thelittle circle around the number 10 (I know my SD card is fast enough, it has worked for the longest time) and just yesterday, when I try to record any footage, within the first few seconds it tells me the vide has...
  17. G

    Whats the best audio visual recording setup I can get under $500?

    So Im looking to get setup with a camera and mic and thought this would be a good place to start. Firstly I'm not sure if I need a separate mic and audio recorder or if I just get a camera with a decent mic? Secondly what are my options product wise? I'll be putting it all together on an...
  18. Ace Whitty

    Ideas for an Affordable Camera

    I've been looking into possibly getting a new camera besides using my cell phone camera. The phone will do great for vlogs, but I would like to improve on the video and audio quality on my segments and challenge content. Some videos turn out great and some are very grainy with the phone. I've...
  19. T

    DSLR or System-Cam? I can´t decide

    Hey Guys! :) In a few weeks, I am going to start my YouTube Channel (I will introduce myself in the forum as soon as I am satisfied with the appearance of my channel). I will record cooking videos with oriental recipes. I am currently using my iPhone for the cutting board and my DSLR Nikon...
  20. Adventure Campitelli

    Vlogging Camera

    I'm looking for a vlogging camera and was wondering if you have any good suggestions. I currently use my gopro hero 5 and iphone 7. Problem is that I don't get great sound. These are my requirements: 1. Portable and not giagantic 2. Reversable screen 3. dslr 4. take amazing pictures and...
  21. Heizenblog

    Face on screen, or not

    My channel is all about gaming and at the moment I don't have a camera so all you have is the game play with my voice as commentary. Do you feel that my channel would benefit from investing in a camera? or is it not really that important as its more about the content? I only ask as someone...
  22. Darren Taylor

    Time for an upgrade, but what camera cheap can do this...?

    Hi Everyone. I'm 7 weeks into my YouTube journey and I made my 10th video this week. I finally have the confidence to say YouTube is something I will continue doing long term! I am currently using my smartphone (Samsung S7) to record my videos, but I really want a camera that films in better...
  23. I

    Canon 77D, which lense for VLOGing?

    Hi All, I am planning on buying a Canon 77D which will be used mainly for vlogging. I wonder which lense I should start out with? The one that is included in the package is a 18-135mm IS. Would that be a good start?
  24. VRONA

    Lighting in Videos | Will a Room Light and Office Desk Lamp be Enough?

    So I've began recording IRL videos recently, of me opening Pokémon cards. For such videos, will a general room light and an office lamp right above where I open them would be enough light to properly see everything?
  25. Courtney Candice

    Softbox or ring light?

    I'm looking into buying lights for my camera , right I'm only using natural lighting and it looks beautiful, but there's a few cons to it like when I need to film and the weather isn't the best so then I can't film a video and In the winter the lighting is going to be terrible. What type of...
  26. The Unwanted Letter

    What makes more sense?

    So i believe that something is actually wrong with my camera as i have followed all the steps to get less noise, i also have dropped this camera twice..don't know if that gives any more info and it still is there, i also have had this camera for 3yrs, so i'm deciding what i should do, i want to...
  27. R

    Filming in low light - getting grainy video - any recommendations?

    Hi Everyone, I recently started making videos and immediately found out that my camera (GoPro5 in linear mode) doesn't do well. It's perfect outdoors with amazing video quality, even before any color correction, but indoors it's terrible unless room I film in is very well lit. If not enough...
  28. TheLegendaryUltimata

    Best advice for upcoming YouTubers

    Hey, Guys! It has been a while since I posted or uploaded a video for that matter. Mostly because the PC I was using to record broke and I just have got to fix it. I thought I would share some tip on how to make better content on YouTube. Lightworks: Lightworks is a free editing software that...
  29. James Chris

    Short Film Irish filmmakers needed

    Hey guys Basically, I'm planning to record a podcast with a guest (similar to The True Geordie's podcasts) and I'm in need of filmmakers to record the conversation from different angles. We can discuss everything including pay and the finer details privately, so if you could let me know down...
  30. S

    Camera like CrashCourse World History

    Hi everyone, I'm about to start an educational youtube series, that will be similar to crashcourse in that its educational in nature and will use infinite white for A role (crash course world history by the green brothers). I bought a PC that can edit 4k and 3 point lighting set up via amazon...