
  1. xBlazingStar94x

    Does YouTube give you confidence & help you grow as a person?

    I ask this because it gave me a little bit more confidence but also a lot of people find comfort in the community. The amount of people that have used YouTube to talk about their life stories is incredible, in my personal opinion. I am making this thread to read some of your stories and...
  2. AM2PM

    Please review my channel - I'm ready willing and able to change

    Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjKzkDrLTbsVXFLtHtrOycg My brother and I started doing Big Brother videos, but have transitioned to our Twin Versus Twin series. That will be the focus. Thoughts, ideas, critiques? Thanks in advance.
  3. GamerTye

    Is this of mine funny to you? Opinions and Feedback please!

    Hey everybody, I hope you're all doing well! My first couple of videos were kind of just recording of gameplay, dull, and not as exciting as this new video I uploaded today. This video took about 7 hours of editing to make, but I feel like it was funny and i've asked a couple pals, but I don't...
  4. HyDraid

    Give Your Honest Opinion

    I have my channel for like a month, I try to make really good quality content. I spend lots of time at editing so I can improve even faster. Just give me your honest opinion or a tip is also nice :) I'll post here a video as an example.
  5. MisterJDiggidy

    Are You A Fan Of How YouTube Has Changed?

    Personally, I liked it the way the website looked a lot better before than what it looks like now. I don't know how to explain it, but now it seems a little too Google-like for me. I liked it better when it had a light gray theme and square profile pictures, and more customization to how...
  6. Drazlash

    Should I start a new channel?

    The channel I actually have is the 3rd one I've made but I feel like its a pretty common gameplay channel, the only different thing it has is maybe some extra editing, so I was thinking on making a new one focused in videogame "cinematic shorts" and in English or maybe bilingual (My actual...
  7. K

    Thoughts on Webcams?

    I am ordering a webcam for my videos, what are your opinions on webcams in videos? Do you think it helps your videos get more views? Do you think people enjoy it more? etc.
  8. Conight

    How could I make learning fun?

    So soon I leave my home country of England to live in Japan. (before you say anything my reasons for living are not the stereotypical nerd reasons) I already know basic conversational skills and basic writing skills however once I get there for the first year of my new live will be attending a...
  9. RonnocX

    New Channel, Hopefully not too many mistakes? :P

    Hey everyone! :) I recently started my channel about 2 weeks ago now? Maybe a bit less... Anyway, was just looking for some overall feedback on the channel, whether it's layout, video quality... Anything, kinda just wanna know if I'm heading in the right direction :P I wouldn't mind getting...
  10. MultiDragon129

    Who inspired you to start making Gaming Videos? =P Storytime...

    From the very beginning, it started with me watching ProtonJonSA and specifically his Super Mario World Let's Plays....and even MORE specifically, his Kaizo Mario LP and I watched it over and over again. I wanted to be just like him because he was really funny and I loved watching all his Kaizo...
  11. Zeferus

    What Do You Think Of My Channel Design?

    I would like you guys to give me your personal opinion on my YouTube channel logo and channel art/banner and see how I can improve.
  12. ImSlugs

    Profanity and what not LOL

    I have a question for you all. I'm aware many people have mixed feelings on profanity in videos, me myself don't care because i use it on a daily basis, but for some just a couple in a video irritates them. Since there is a mix of people here I'm curious to know what you think about profanity on...
  13. Marriagestart

    ~Poll~Curiousity and Opinions about gaming (please vote at least!)

    So, i'm curious. i'd like to compile a list for a project i am working on currently. What do YOU think makes a good youtube channel? is it new games? is it editting effects, and if so: what kind?. is it the way the gamer dresses? anything you can think of! I'm still new and working on my...
  14. Kriegsmachine92

    Relatively new channel: Any feedback is appreciated!

    http://www.youtube.com/c/JayKrieger I've been making video game related content for the past few months; primarily beta impressions, but also my original created series Time Well Spent (retrospective) as well as The Roundup (PS4 PS+ monthly reviews). Any and all feedback is appreciate! Thanks...
  15. Morpheus0316

    Do shoutouts really work?

    What is your opinion on shoutouts do they actually help smaller channels become know? Or is it as bad as sub 4 sub and can actually hurt the channel. I personally haven't received a shout out,but I don't think that it really helps smaller channels. When i mean smaller channels I mean channels...
  16. The Barnes Bros.

    Need Opinions and Questions for Technology Discussion

    We are currently producing new episodes of our comedy show "Face Rockin'" to be broadcast on Cox 11 and uploaded to YouTube this summer. We are fielding questions and comments for the Q&A segment of the show. This episode's topic is: Technology. If you have a question and/or comment on the...
  17. The Barnes Bros.

    Need Questions and Opinions for Piracy Discussion

    We are currently producing new episodes of our comedy show "Face Rockin'" to be broadcast on Cox 11 and uploaded to YouTube this summer. We are fielding questions and comments for the Q&A segment of the show. This episode's topic is: Piracy. If you have a question and/or comment on the topic...
  18. TheElderScrollsGeek

    Hi New YouTuber Here!

    Hi everyone! I just started this gaming channel, focused on The Elder Scrolls series, yesterday to be exact and I wish you can give me an opinion about my channel and my video (which is the only one on my channel yet). Thanks a lot! ;)
  19. SZXDuncan

    Youtube - Variety based on history?

    I've been lurking about on Youtube quite a bit recently just to put on some white noise so that I could burn through the day finishing up my studies and I can't help but to struggle to find more videos to watch. Sometimes I wish that Youtube was like TV where you could just turn on the TV and do...
  20. JuicyDuckWild


    Hey guys, i've kinda been doubting my channel art, thumbanils, etc. I devoloped a style for making them but I really want to know if they are any good or not... A few people said It sucked, so I felt I needed opinions. If you want to visit my channel, just search up juicyduckwild on google...
  21. Kecha.L

    Feedback on my very first DIY?

    So I recently made my first DIY video of tassel Garlands! I love doing DIY projects so I decided to film one as I was doing it! The quality isn't as good as some but I would greatly appreciate some constructive criticism on this video and tips on how to make my video better since I would like my...
  22. cadetKei

    Tv Shows (animation)

    An animation about Tv Shows, and how we used to watch them. Features weird jokes, pondering about the 2000's and 5 seconds of Benedict Cucumbersnitches face.
  23. nyah sky

    Love and Hiphop NY

    If anyone watches LHHNY let me know how you feel about what went on at the reunion and watch my video to see my opinion!!!
  24. nyah sky

    The Rap Game Reunion Supa Peach vs Miss Mulatto!!!

  25. TWIG gainzzz

    need opinion on what style my channel art should be

    well guys thats the best way i can put it in the title i am just stuck what would suit my channel its hard to explain what my channel is like so just have a quick glance and tell me XD
  26. TWIG gainzzz

    Need opinion: is any publicity good publicity?

    OK guys I have a funny content idea OK let me start ... Basically I know this local youtuber who is doing well but is NOT original . So me and my friend mathias where like OK we are just starting of so we give him a good content idea and we get publicity with his subs buy bringing him to the...
  27. CraftersMagicYT

    tell me your honest opinion on this.

    Well, tell me what you think! Just a video I made a bit ago, want honest opinions! :) #ragemode
  28. NakedManDong

    Interesting games for videos?

    I was just wondering what you guys would use as games for your videos.
  29. mTAoMM

    What Kind of Youtube Videos do you Watch?

    I'm just curious.
  30. TheFunbase

    Opinions about my channel

    Hello, I'm looking for some opinions and suggestions for my youtube channel. What do you think of the quality of my videos, how is my intro and my outro, etc ... I have troubles to expand my channel (viewers/subscribers). I know I'm making videos about a game not so known but still I think I'm...