Are You A Fan Of How YouTube Has Changed?


Active Member
Personally, I liked it the way the website looked a lot better before than what it looks like now. I don't know how to explain it, but now it seems a little too Google-like for me. I liked it better when it had a light gray theme and square profile pictures, and more customization to how channels could look. (The best way I can describe this time is when Fred was popular XD) I thought those were great features, but I guess Google thought they were improving the site by giving more space to videos. Changing the layout and look and everything I felt didn't need to be done, but I guess they also wanted to make it look better and cleaner than before.

What do you think? Do you like how it is now better or how it was before?
I just miss when YouTube was their own company, and it was a sign up system of, email, user name, and password. You also used to be able to get a custom Url right off the bat too. Luckily my channel is old enough to have a custom URL for only 1.2k subs.
I really like the new YouTube, it is very sleek and looks great! I understand it is always tough to get used to all new features too though!
I miss the older YouTube which like the post creator was saying the time when Fred was popular. I started using YouTube back in like 2007/2008 and made my first channel in 2009. I miss the rating system as it would show up when you were searching for videos to which you could determine ( most of the time not always) what video was bad and what was good. There was also more creative content back then as well; compared to nowadays its much harder to find that creativity
I started my first channel in June 2008. I know there was a lot more customization possible during those times and the years afterwards but I still do like the neat design it now has.
I don't have a lot to complain about YouTube.

You said you like it more when their were still squared profile pictures. They are still squared!
I just miss when YouTube was their own company, and it was a sign up system of, email, user name, and password. You also used to be able to get a custom Url right off the bat too. Luckily my channel is old enough to have a custom URL for only 1.2k subs.

Yeah, those were the days.[DOUBLEPOST=1473012497,1473012418][/DOUBLEPOST]
The OG partner banners were the best.

True and now you watch older videos that show the old layout (like they recorded the screen) and it has the partner banners... I liked it so much better back then[DOUBLEPOST=1473012689][/DOUBLEPOST]
I miss the older YouTube which like the post creator was saying the time when Fred was popular. I started using YouTube back in like 2007/2008 and made my first channel in 2009. I miss the rating system as it would show up when you were searching for videos to which you could determine ( most of the time not always) what video was bad and what was good. There was also more creative content back then as well; compared to nowadays its much harder to find that creativity

Yeah I get what you mean. Now it seems like a lot of big youtubers are kind of burned out. In the comedy videos I make, I try to make them as creative and funny as I can, and I think it is starting to show more than before. I also agree with what you are saying about ratings, those were a great feature that they really don't have an equal too nowadays, and the video responses were great back then too.[DOUBLEPOST=1473012796][/DOUBLEPOST]
I started my first channel in June 2008. I know there was a lot more customization possible during those times and the years afterwards but I still do like the neat design it now has.
I don't have a lot to complain about YouTube.

You said you like it more when their were still squared profile pictures. They are still squared!

Yeah, I miss the old customization. As for what I said about square profile pictures, they made them circular on mobile and when you look to the top right for your profile picture it's rounded on computer now. It kind of seems like they are pushing that more and more onto us...