Loving YTtalk
From the very beginning, it started with me watching ProtonJonSA and specifically his Super Mario World Let's Plays....and even MORE specifically, his Kaizo Mario LP and I watched it over and over again. I wanted to be just like him because he was really funny and I loved watching all his Kaizo LP's so I started doing my own SMW Hack Let's Plays. Eventually I met many other inspiration that turned me into the person that I am now, I found AzuraBlade49 right after, then MilesLuigi, then moved on to SSoHPKC, and CreatureHub, to Dashie, to then watching CowChop and AfroSenju. YouTube is such a wonderful place because you meet all these awesome people and they can just change the world for you, let's plays are a part of me and I really do love them. So I just wanna know your story, now that you've seen mine or taken the time to read mine. But if not then regardless I still wanna hear your story =P