channel growth

  1. RandyFromTandy

    Secret To Growing Channel

    #1 Strategy: Don't waste your time and work. We all know that YouTube’s notifications work sporadically and channels get taken down for arbitrary reasons only known to YouTube. These are problems because missed notifications lower your video views and a channel take down causes work loss and...
  2. P

    What would you do with 443 million audience worldwide?

    I came across a platform where I could get all the audience I needed. I couldn't keep calm unless I shared I with you guys. See for yourself and check it out:
  3. TheRafter

    Channel growth not quite there

    I need help. I put serious work into my youtube videos (at least my most recent ones), yet I have a friend that has uploaded a quarter amount of the videos and puts less effort into them, yet still is growing faster than me and gets 4x more views on each video. The content types are pretty...
  4. BreMoffatt

    Looking for collabs! ✨

    Hi everyone, my name is Bre. My YouTube channel is Bre Moffatt, I’m a very small and relatively new channel with 3,800 views and 50 subscribers but I’m hoping to branch out and collab with some of y’all! If anyone likes: Disney Horror Paranormal Conspiracy Theories Fashion Abandoned places...
  5. Darren Taylor

    Progress update you might find helpful

    I want to share an update of my progress on YouTube as many of my fellow small YouTubers might find it useful. I recently posted on this forum that after 2 years on YouTube I got to 2k subs. 1k earned in the first year and 1k in the second year :D I predicted that I would get 3k in year 3...
  6. Matt Dean

    How I gained (almost) 1500 Subscribers in the past 6 months.

    Good day to you fellow Youtubers, My name is Matt Dean and I am Certified in Youtube channel growth. That is not however how I was able to grow my channel so quickly. Today, I'd like to share with you some of my experiences with the platform this past few months, what has worked for me. This...
  7. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    Why Is My Channel Growth So Slow? - Growing Slowly on YouTube - RANT

    Why Is My Channel Growth So Slow? - Growing Slowly on YouTube - YouTube RANT // How To Grow on YouTube is a question I am asked on a regular basis. Everyone seems so worried that they are growing slowly... but i say SLOW growth is good, SLOW growth is better than NO GROWTH. Use the time to LEARN...
  8. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    Why Is My Channel Growth So Slow? - Growing Slowly on YouTube - RANT

    Why Is My Channel Growth So Slow? - Growing Slowly on YouTube - YouTube RANT // How To Grow on YouTube is a question I am asked on a regular basis. Everyone seems so worried that they are growing slowly... but i say SLOW growth is good, SLOW growth is better than NO GROWTH. Use the time to LEARN...
  9. Austin Armstrong

    How do you overcome growth hurdles?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to yttalk but very excited about finding this forum and connecting with you all. I run an educational channel in the mental health, psychology, addiction treatment space. Growth has been fairly slow. Currently at ~1660 subs, ~800 views/day, ~130 subs/month No matter how...
  10. Noidz

    If you only had one growth technique. What channel technique did you feel launch your channel?

    Like the title says. What technique did you feel was the most important in launching your channel. If applicable could you provide example of a before and after. :D
  11. The Matt Diaries

    Just passed 20 subs

    I've been vlogging for about a month and just passed the 20 subscriber mark . Really enjoying so far!!
  12. VRONA

    Channel Trailer: Should I Have One and if "Yes" What Style Should it Have?

    So should I have a channel trailer? Would it help my channel grow? Is not having one one of the reasons my channel is not growing? I'm very new to the idea of channel trailers despite doing YouTube for 4 years now, so I'm looking on a lot of advice on them. And if I were to make one, how should...
  13. dweebie

    How to grow a channel with little social media presence.

    So I've been creating content for about two months now, sticking to a schedule of one every other week and trying to create content that isn't garbage. I'm not sure how long it takes to actually see growth, but thus far I'm seeing very little. After two months I've got a total view count of...
  14. dina

    How much is too much?

    hi guys, i asking this because when you watch videos on how to grow your channel and stuff, majority of the time people say something like "post multiple times during the week", and i just think that might be a little to overwhelming for your audience and subscribers, but maybe i am wrong. I...
  15. Syn1te Gaming

    Gaming Anyone looking for a group?

    If you've been looking for a group of YouTubers who play plenty of games and that is centered around growing each others' YouTube channels, then I have good news. I'm currently in a group called Project Connect, which is exactly what I have explained above, a community centered around...
  16. Caerulean

    My channel's barely growing... but I can't really complain.

    I mostly do gameplay videos of games that have small communities or are generally unpopular. (I still love those games though. And I can't play much else 'cause I only have an old, low-end netbook.) In the past year, I also have not been uploading videos frequently enough because, well, having...
  17. Quick Question

    Channel Growth and Video Volume?

    Hi ya'll, I know this depends on your channel and it's probably different for everyone but I wanted to know your situation in terms of subscribers/views in relation to how many videos you've made. I personally have 40 subs and around 1300 views after making around 20 videos. I'll take what I...
  18. cormac donohoe


    hey guys i was wondering if theres anyone out there who knows a back door or something like that to getting my videos to the top of the search rankings i already know about a good description,tags and title and all that stuff i already do it but it doesnt seem to work i was wondering if there...
  19. Elissa Jordan

    Are Niches Limiting to Creators?

    Hey guys! My name is Elissa and I thought I'd pose this question to all of you because it's something I've been thinking about: are niches limiting to creators? I am a person all about creativity and creating content you want to create. If you don't believe in what you do, who else will? Every...
  20. Lauramillanmu

    What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys! So I've been in Youtube for a couple of months now and I don't notice any growth. I know it takes time, but I feel like I might be doing something wrong here. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some general feedback on my channel (makeup themed). Thank you in advance...
  21. AprilGranelli

    How to grow a channel?

    Hey folks! :dance: Was just wondering if anyone has any tips on channel growth? I've been making videos for almost four months now and I feel my videos are funny/shareable content but I seem to be stuck around 50 subs:confused: I'm not really sure how to get my channel out there, I've tried...
  22. N

    How Are you Suppose to Promote Your Channel??

    Hello, Im a relatively new youtuber who mainly posts music covers. Anyways, I feel like my videos are decent enough, but I'm not seeing the growth of my channel like other channels my size that I follow. Ive posted to my social media about my channel but i was wondering what other outlets to...
  23. Rae Talks

    Which Channel Should I Upload to?

    Hey everyone! So I've made random videos on my main channel for over two years, and I have a couple hundred subs. However, a lot of my subs came from a couple of kpop reaction videos that I did years ago that went somewhat viral. Because of that, only about 1% of my subs actually watch and...
  24. Pedro Nascimento

    Why isn't my channel growing? Need Feedback!

    Hello guys, Thank you in advance for reading this. I do really need some HELP in here. I you guys could give me some feedback, some criticism would be very helpful. You can target my videos, channel branding, thumbnails, anything... I'm just looking for answers, perhaps you know why isn't my...
  25. ImLeek

    Gaming XB1 Youtuber Collabs

    Hey guys this thread is for xbox one players who are youtubers looking for collabs to help grow their channel. My gamertag is Ma1ique And if you would consider it go check out my channel, comment( i really need feedback) and subscribe if you like what you see My Channel name is ImLeek
  26. G-Legend

    Does anyone have experience getting a gaming YouTube channel off the ground?

    Hey guys! Was wondering if anyone has any experience growing a gaming channel. I created my channel almost exactly a year ago. I didn't start consistently uploading until July/August 2016. I only have 40 subs and maybe it's just me but it seems like the channel is growing extra slowly. :crying...
  27. Livid

    Comedy Dank Meme Lords Collab

    I'm looking for a group of people who enjoy Memes as much as I do to brainstorm with each other create really dank content and stuff like that. My Channel isnt only for uploading Memes but I think memes are hilarious I love them and I think it would be really really cool to get together like In...
  28. Rae Talks

    Advice on Choosing Tags?

    I take a break from YouTube, and since I've started back uploading consistently I've noticed that my videos don't get many organic views. It seems like the only views I get are directly from my small social media following on other platforms. I think I need to improve my tags and I'm not sure...
  29. officialjhalli

    Need advice for channel

    Hi guys, This happened to me recently. Somebody commented on one of my videos and subscribed to my channel and asked me to have a look at their channel. I did look at their channel and although the channel had only a couple of videos, I subscribed for support and also suggested some video...
  30. JoubleDumpers

    Would love some feedback on our YouTube channel

    Hi, Myself and a couple of friends have a YouTube channel dedicated to casual gaming and generally having some fun. We have been posting videos almost daily for about 2/3 months now. We would love some feedback on things you like & of course things you dislike. Our latest videos have our new...