Unbelievable, I can't believe non of you wrote GiggaVega, SMH SMH lol :tongue:
I have varying tastes in channels. There are a bunch of things here like gaming channels, fitness & bodybuilding, Comedy channels & some social/political channels
Some of my favorites are:
PewdiePie, CinnamonToast-Ken, Steven Crowder, H3H3, Twin Muscle, JRE Clips (Joe Rogan), Blaire White, What Culture Gaming, Brian G Johnson, Jessee Lee Peterson, Broscience Life, The Amazing Lucas, PythonSelkan, Athlean.
I subscribe to the official channels of favorites bands. Clutch has been doing YouTube performances for the past few weeks while they are not touring, and that's pretty cool.

But as far as YouTube specific content, I like channels that cover vintage audio and video tech. "Techmoan" is probably the largest of these, with almost a million subscribers. "Technology Connections" is also pretty huge, and does a good job detailing the history of tech that he covers. "VWestlife" tests out vintage A/V gear all the time, and is the most accessible 100K+ channel I know, responding to comments, and even leaving an occasional comment on smaller channels such as mine, which I appreciate.

8-bit Guy, LGR, and Nostalgia Nerd are all more computer oriented than vintage A/V gear, but I like vintage computers and software as well.
Hello everybody. I love the Felicia Day channel. A very sweet and talented woman who has a charming smile and an amazing manner of speech. I advise you to see her book announcements.
So Im looking for a few new youtube channels to subscribe to so I was wondering what are your favorite youtubers?

Mine are Nigahiga, JacksGap, dicasp, Shaytards, and CTFxC

What are yours?
I spend a lot of hours on YouTube so I cant list my favorites but the ones I can remember now are SSSNIPER, REACTION TIME, KELLY STAMPS, HAWKSNEST, Pretty much the guys that inspired me to start my channel