So Im looking for a few new youtube channels to subscribe to so I was wondering what are your favorite youtubers?

Mine are Nigahiga, JacksGap, dicasp, Shaytards, and CTFxC

What are yours?

Hello everyone, I recently opened a youtube channel by the name "Abheepsha Barah"...
Please let me know what can i improve...I am an assamese girl from India..Also willing for collabs..
I watch a decent amount of comedy/sketches these days. I do enjoy Cherdleys and the channels involved with him.

Also the Whisky Vault and

Serpentza and laowhy86 just because I am interested in China, with the country taking alot of space in the world news atm.
So Im looking for a few new youtube channels to subscribe to so I was wondering what are your favorite youtubers?

Mine are Nigahiga, JacksGap, dicasp, Shaytards, and CTFxC

What are yours?
Jake Paul is a hot topic rn lol with his whole raid thingy. Personally don’t like him or his brother think they’re to desensitized to the real world. I might further crucify his butt on my channel some more