channel art

  1. C

    Request Channel art and intro

    Hello I’m looking to start YouTube properly, I’ve had my Channel years now but content has always been poor and the art isn’t great, hopeing someone or a few people can help me, I’d like all the art you need for a channel, logo, banner, background, I’d like a unique intro to my channel and if...
  2. Frost Titan Gaming

    Request NEED A NEW BANNER ART!!!

    I am looking for someone who is good at making banner arts for youtube channels. I am willing to pay whatever it takes. please let me know at: Frost Titan#9778
  3. cloudy_puff

    Services Free Graphics - Building Up Folio

    Hi there, I am looking to build up a new portfolio of graphics and I need some requests. I can do some thumbnails, banners, basic logos etc. I'm thinking more storytime/beauty/blogging/lifestyle/hack channels. You don't even have to use it. Just looking for some practice :)
  4. F-undament

    Services CHEAP - YouTube banner, thumbnail and profile picture service!

    Portfolio (more previous work incoming)
  5. M

    Where to Make Channel Art

    So everybody, I found this awesome website called if you want to make channel banners easily just use that site because it's super simple and intuitive. let me know what you guys think!
  6. SmokeySpace

    Services Free and Professional YouTube Thumbnails, Outro Cards, and Overlays

    I'm just perfecting my work, making thumbnails, outro cards, and overlays completely free and very professional, tell me what you want, how you want it, and I will do it, I am also willing to get creative. I will get them to you withing a couple days during the week, hopefully within 24 hours...
  7. Ivory Cherry

    can someone critique my banner and thumbnails?

    I would love some insight on whether an outsider thinks my thumbnails and channel art are okay. I will do the same for anyone that wants feedback as well!
  8. Kyonite

    Request Need Art for my Channel

    I'm willing to pay 5 YTTalk dollars because it's all I really have, but I have a pretty specific drawing in mind. It's me (I'm a dude with long black hair) as chibi-ish anime style art (feel free to take a little bit of freedom) with my head slightly tilted to the left and a finger gun pointed...
  9. Courtney Candice

    Anime drawing apps

    Do you guys know any Anime apps? I’m not good at drawing and I really want to remake my channel banner and I want an anime version of me. Do you guys know any websites or any apps that are free to use to customize an anime character and is copyrighted free? I found a couple apps, but they only...
  10. Jack Willcock

    Services [Free] Youtube Banner

    Hey im offering a free youtube banner i specialise in Gaming channel art but i have gave other types of content channels a go to look at my work you can check out my instagram (Vipers Zombies) if you like what you see dm me on twitter or insta :)
  11. L

    Services Cheap Graphics for Youtube Channels! Logos, Channel Art, Thumbnails, Anything!

    Closed temporarily.
  12. R

    Finished/Closed Need Channel art, Logo, and Avatar! Will Pay

    I have a few ideas and are fairly simple. Need an experienced artist to create for my new YT channel. Message me on here or email me at if interested. Thank you!
  13. The Sesh Tales

    Request New Channel, Just a banner with text needed (free)

    Hello! I'm new to all this so trying to get the hang of it all. I've not long created a new channel and i'm in need of a banner. I'm not looking for anything completely extreme as I'm only really looking for something to get me started. Just basically wanting the channel title 'The Sesh Tales'...
  14. Rossiter740

    1st attempt at channel art and thumbnails... thoughts?

    hi all, just updated my thumbnails and recently my channel art... i have 0 experience with photoshop and graphic design, so i know they can be better.... but will they suffice? i have debated on outsourcing this to a pro but with my small amount of subscribers, idk if i want to invest... as...
  15. Stike96

    Your One-Stop Guide To Great Branding!

    ***Sorry if someone already made a similar post to this one, I did a quick search and couldn't find anything. Edit: Oops, I just realised that there's a dedicated branding section in the forum. Don't know how missed that lol. Nevermind, I guess this is still my take on it. *** Hi all! I wanted...
  16. Katt Strike

    Examples of Great Channel Banners?

    Hey guys, I'm looking to update my channel banner to something a little more...interesting (and to also include that I upload every Monday). I was wondering if any of you had some good examples of banners? I would be interested to see some more to help decide the direction/placement I should...
  17. SupWithT


    I have a logo for my channel, I have a wall art background, but I just need someone to design a commission of me so I can put myself in my thumbnails. If anyone can do this or point me in the direction of one, please do so.
  18. Breana


    Hey! My name is Breana, im 17 and i do graphics if your in need of some channel art I got you!! best way to contact me is to through twitter @ChickGraphik or my instagram @Chick.Graphik, I can do a cartoon of you for a logo or just cause, i can make banners, simple ones or ones with more detail...
  19. Zenvious

    Should you Frame your Videos?

    Its an uncommon practice as many people just upload a video without any template on it - unless its from a Live Stream or for a game that was at a 4:3 ratio. That said the Gamegrumps use a Frame in every gameplay video they do - including Steam Train and Grumpcade - which adds to their branding...
  20. DylanDesigns

    Finished/Closed CLOSED Professional Graphics! You decide your price!

    Listen, I just love making graphics and im looking to establish myself. Yes I do charge, but you can pay whatever you feel is correct based on the amount of work you had made and how satisfied you are with it. (All payments can be made through fiverr or paypal, whatever you'd like)...
  21. N

    [HELP] Blurry Channel Banner

    Hello forum, I am trying to upload my banner art (the banner at the top of your channel) and every time I do it the image turns out blurry. I am using their suggested size of 2560x1440 and it is still blurry. Any advice on how to fix this? Thanks!
  22. JustSeb

    Request Channel Art and maybe Thumbnails?

    Hello, so basically the main thing I am requesting as you can tell is the channel art/banner, if anyone could help with this I would highly appreciate it and I will repay you in some way, I am also looking for someone to consistently make me thumbnails but this isn't fully needed, thanks in advance!
  23. Mr.FloodWater

    Request In need of Banner and Avatar please (Free)

    hi I'm Floodwater and I'm in desperate need of a Banner and Avatar! My channel is growing pretty nice now that I have taken it seriously but I have no channel art! Would love it if somone could make a banner and avatar for me. Hit me up so we can discuss the deets! Thank you!
  24. G

    Request New Youtube Banner

    Hey Everyone, I'm new to you tube and would really appreciate it if someone could help me out creating some channel art (preferably for free, i can pay in YTTalks cash but im not sure how much it would be). My artistic talents are limited as you can see from my current youtube channel art, and...
  25. JustM1KePlays

    New Channel Artwork and Thumbnails

    Hello fellow content creators. I am just looking to bet my channel back up and running. I have rebranded and was looking for so feedback on it. If you have any questions just let me know. Thank you for your time JMP
  26. Neons_Awesome


    Hello, I make high quality channel art of any kind for any channel. My prices are low and the art is always at its best. My prices are: Banner: $2.50 Profile Picture: $2 Outro: $1.50 Thumbnail: $2 per I have a couple examples of what I can do
  27. I

    Request [Paid] Youtube Channel Art Needed

    Hey all, read the rules, this seems to be fine, right? I'm in need of an artist or graphic design to help me with my channel redesign. We're talking banners, icons, even stuff with my twitch/twitter/facebook. Must be professional looking; I'm not going to pay for someone who's never done it...
  28. GeezerGaming


    What's going on lads & ladies! We're in desperate need of a revamp so we've decided to see if anybody out there could possibly help us geezers out by designing a new youtube logo & twitch banner for us. We would ideally pay for the services, however we would like for our requirements to be...
  29. Y

    Request Looking for channel art and logo, for free

    Hey all I have been lurking on here getting tips and reading guides on how to run a YouTube channel. After a lot of thinking I started it last month and uploaded a few videos to it. Currently I have not advertised it anywhere and done little with keywords, I have been concentrating getting some...
  30. Tazi


    Hi guys! Hope you are having a great day. So recently I've been wanting to develop my branding a little bit. I have an exact idea on what I want my channel art to look like. I've done multiple drawings and have talked with a few people to help me out. The main issue I'm having is the distance...