I'm currently a full-time student so money is basically nonexistent at the moment a.k.a I can't buy the latest and greatest games to record (unless I torrent them or something :cautious2:)

So my concern with my gaming channel is consistently trying to figure out what games to record! I prefer not playing short indie games, ones that don't really have a goal or story, because my style is focusing on story-rich games and exploration.

If anyone knows of a place where I can get cheap games that are very fun to play or have any ideas of games I should check out, I'm all ears!

Thanks for looking!
This is a good topic to talk about and I can also bring that on a personal level: as for now I'm playing games that I really love but that aren't doing so great (the first Dead Space, Amnesia and just yesterday I uploaded Superhot) and I'm thinking about something that both I love and is popular. I know it may sound bad playing games because are popular and that is the reason why you must find a balance. Try to use google trends to check if the game is still searched, that helps sometimes. Bye and keep improving!
Indiedb has a whole lot of indie games on it so you can see what's coming out ahead of time. Just play what makes you happy and that you have the most fun in and the viewers will certainly come.
I've asked something similar in the past. From the responses I got people don't mind what game you play so long as YOU the creator and commentator make it interesting and remove the boring or quiet bits.

I was more worried about strategy games or more slow paced games like the original fallout or heroes of might and magic.
But people still love to watch it, so long as you make it interesting and keep the energy up.

Dont do games that bore you. I would say the odd one you just detest is good more for your reactions and response to how awful the game is lol