voice acting

  1. Mr. Fox


  2. T


    Hi! my name is TheGmodPunk, im looking for voice actors on this project im making. its a story based movie = why i need voice actors, only thing you need is a decent mic. and age 13 or over contact me on skype "Fredric.json" Steam "TheGmodPunk" MOVIE INFO! it is a story about a guy who is...
  3. LM7 Gamer


    I need voice actors for a gta 5 machinima series.:help: have a good mic dont be a squeaker good tone of voice I need people who can do these voices for episode 1 .African American male voice .Evil Russian male voice .English or American announcer voice .Intelligent American male voice .Two...
  4. Hiper115

    Voice Acting Looking For Talented Voice Actors

    Hello, everyone!!! My name is Hiper115 or Hiper for short, recently I have been thinking of making a youtube group. This group would consist of ONE person from every different type of genre of video making (e.g. gaming, music). I will make a place where we can all talk to each other (probably a...
  5. Mr. Fox

    Voice Acting Looking for female voice actors experienced or non experienced

    Hi! I'm looking for a female voice actress for a project of mine, I have multiple projects (mainly short countdowns) coming up, Most of the roles are fairly short and simple. Search my Channels in Youtube Fact Buzz - UCT1kiLg6snrAMDDzSk0_9dA Cold Chills (Main Channel) -...
  6. Mr. Fox

    Voice Acting Voice Actress Needed!

    Hiyaa! I'm looking for a female voice actress for a project of mine, I have multiple projects (mainly short countdowns) coming up, that I'm going to be needing a handful of voice actress for that, Most of the roles are fairly short and simple. Or Anyone Can Help me in Editing Videos for My...
  7. KarmaDellaire

    Voice Acting Voice Actor/Actress for YT Collaboration needed

    Hello everyone. My wish is to create a collaboration YT Channel. I love making new friends as well as working with others. So why not combine it? I have few experiences when it comes to voice acting, also took an acting class back in High School. That aside I don't have any "preferences" if one...
  8. Mr. Fox


    Well, I do creepy chànnel where I make creepy videos like 3 true stories of ghost encounter kinda story tellings, well I would if anyone wanna collab with me, well I have anyone channel called Fact Buzz In it, I make like countdowns you check it! Whichever you like you can collab with me! I...
  9. J

    Voice Acting Voice acting work for a Batman animation!

  10. Warlock Boo

    Voice Acting Halloween special Help needed please,

    hello there I am Warlock BOO and I am looking for Some people to help me with my Halloween special. I am currently needing voice actors mostly. But animators and artist are welcomed. I want to get different people reading different horror stories/creepypastas/redit post's and to put them all...
  11. ElliottGEdwards

    Voice Acting VARIOUS VOICE ACTORS needed for video game.

    We are looking for voice over artists for a National Film and Television School graduation video game project from our award winning games department. These are unpaid roles which can be recorded remotely, excluding two of the roles (Game Voice Over & Catherine Voice Over) which we’d prefer the...
  12. C

    Voice Acting Need Voice Actor for Destiny Machinima Project

    So, I've been working on a Destiny machinima project called Crota's Bane. It will be about an hour and 20-25 minutes when it's finished, and it's about a team of six Guardians who go on a quest to kill the Godlike monster Crota after he slaughtered an army of Guardians. It's almost finished and...
  13. Mr. Fox

    Voice Acting Voice Actors Needed!

    Hiyaa! I'm looking for a male or female voice actors for a project of mine, I have multiple projects (mainly short countdowns) coming up, that I'm going to be needing a handful of voice actors for that, Most of the roles are fairly short and simple. Well, i lost my Old Channel in that i had lot...
  14. Jamie Taylor


    I'm doing a another video analyzing media. I don't know the concept, nor the media. However, I'm a send that over as soon as someone is interested in the gig.
  15. B

    Comedy Short animation skits

    I make short comic animation skits and I'm looking to collaborate with fellow creators but ultimately with anybody. I need Ideas for future content, or maybe voice actors for videos.
  16. Mr. Fox

    Voice Acting Looking for Male/Female Voice Actors

    Hiyaa! I'm looking for a male or female voice actors for a project of mine relating to my channel I'm working on. Email Me if Your Interested : RedFoxyX@gmail.com Or Comment!
  17. M. B. Harkins

    Voice Acting Voice Actors Needed!!

    Hiya! I have multiple projects (mainly short films) coming up, that I'm going to be needing a handful of voice actors for! Most of the roles are fairly short and simple. I'm taking auditions through a voice acting site! Please leave your Twitter (if you have open DM's) or your e-mail address in...
  18. Hiper115

    Voice Acting Voice Actors Needed For Animation!

    Hello, everyone! I need as many voice actors as possible for an animation, If you would be interested contact me! Email: carljvs1@gmail.com Skype: hiper115 Hope to hear from you soon!
  19. A

    Voice Acting Looking to do Voice acting

    hi there my name is alex i am 21 years old and i love reading poems and stories, part of my youtube channel is dedicated to it, i would love the oppatunity to work with other people on there projects, Please send me a message and have a look at my story telling to see if it fits for you enjoy :3
  20. Jack Swish


    Hello, One of the things on my bucket list is to voice a cartoon character- If any of you are doing an animation where I could voice a character- I would love it! I'll make a video about it and get my fans to check out the cartoon too. Hit me up & help me do one of my dreams. Thanks, Jack
  21. AMX Gaming

    Sakura Magical Girls | Horrible Voice Acting | Tuesdays With Senpai

    Tuesdays With Sepia is back with Sakura Magical Girls: "Taichi’s in a rough spot in his life. In debt and without any other options, he ended up with a low paying cleaning job at a resort with a manager who won’t get off his back. He thought that it would be boring and uneventful… But then, two...
  22. Rowan Oakley

    Voice Acting Various voices needed for Storytelling

    Hi all! I'm looking for a variety of voices to read stories. I don't know everyone I'll need casting for at this stage, but for now I suspect I'll need: - A woman. Any description would be fine, and this would be for a mermaid character - Somebody with an Italian accent, either male or female...
  23. Joe Winko

    Voice Acting voice actors needed for Sims 2 slasher/horror film

    i'm looking for voice actors for my next upcoming sims 2 slasher/horror film DEAD ROUTE. It's going to be about a group of tourist who get stranded in a jungle in south america and then they have to escape from a family of inbred cannibals. It's based off the Wrong Turn movies. you could...
  24. The Gaming Potato

    Voice Acting Look for people who can voice Overwatch characters

    All i ask of is for someone to just say a little bit for the intro of my Overwatch lore series, when I get any responses ill send over the line that is needed. i understand i am a small channel but i wish to make the best content i am able to make so i wish to work with you amazing voice actors...
  25. M. B. Harkins

    Voice Acting Voice Actors Needed!!

    This is for a goofy, pun-based short film I am doing. It is centered in a kitchen, and focuses on the (very punny) lives of the foods, dishes, and silverware within. It is literally fruits and veggies etc. with googly eyes, and gloved hands moving them about. We're talking SUPER cheesy, here. No...
  26. C

    Services Music/Voice Over for your Channel!

    Hello there! I'm new to this forum, been doing YouTube for a long time with different channel attempts. I'm offering music for outro/intros or whatever you may need it for. As well as voice over. From I understand, I'm allowed to show links to my work. If not, please don't delete my post, just...
  27. Caroll

    Voice Acting Wanting To Voice Act

    Hi! I'm Caroll and voice acting has been a little dream of mine for a while. I'm willing to do almost any offer you have. All I ask is that I get credited for my part (link to my channel or any of me social media in the description is fine) I have a decent microphone, (if you want a listen...
  28. Arsh

    Voice Acting VO for GTA 5 Short

    I'm working on a GTA 5 short film. The visuals are all shot and edited. I just need a couple of people for voice acting. The total script is 3 pages long. And there are a combined total of less than 20 lines. Currently, I have uploaded it as an unlisted video using Text-to-Speech for the voice...
  29. bacondoenutes

    Voice Acting Need a voice actor or a female AI.

    The voice actor I want is female and slightly high pitched.It has to resemble a pure and innocent Female Ai. The script will require you to say a few lines with emotions. I don't have any ways to pay you but I will give you a shout out if you want to, or I'll do something for you as a return of...
  30. Livid

    Voice Acting Male/Female Singer Needed

    I need a Male or Female Singer to sing a 3 Min song and Record themselves singing it for a Music Video. (The Music video is not just going to be the person singing) I'll put your channel In My Featured section of my channel, I'll put you in the credits, and I'll put your URL In the description...