Hot Topic ** YouTube reduces sub counts ** (all discussion goes here)

@ApexxWolf - I've merged your thread with this one. :)
Thank you for Purging my thread i ranted on earlier today.... im a flippin small yt channel! ffs! Can today get any worst!!! Geez people leave smaller yt channels alone!
Made a thread earlier today and this guy purged it.... /sad
So last night, I lost 42 subscribers. I went onto social media and saw that a smaller channel than mine had lost about 6 subcribers as well. Then I saw a friend messaged me on Skype and was upset she had lost almost 500 subs?!?!? I went onto YouTube and saw that JackSepticEye, who had done an 11 million subsciber special a week ago, is now at 10,900,000. Even Pewdiepie lost a couple million subs....
Is anyone else losing a bunch of unexplained subs?!?!?
And everyone is complaining about subscriber losses and guess what? Nope, none here. Perhaps they haven't "scrubbed" my channel yet. Either way, I don't care anyway. Stop sweating that number people. You'll feel a whole lot better in the long run!
So youtube responded:View attachment 36164
im surprised they didn't just admit to a inactive subs wipe.
could it be there was something else involved?
I actually don't think it was YouTube to be fair. I've just gone in to my sub box and people that I've unsubbed to recently were back and people I've recently subbed to are gone. Someone's put on here a rumour about YouTube getting hacked and rolled back? And I don't believe YouTube would hide a purge, this makes them look like they haven't got a clue what's going off.
And everyone is complaining about subscriber losses and guess what? Nope, none here. Perhaps they haven't "scrubbed" my channel yet. Either way, I don't care anyway. Stop sweating that number people. You'll feel a whole lot better in the long run!

Everyone? Stop generalizing. Not everyone is complaining over their subscriber losses.
Yeah this week I've gained so many subscribers in such a short period (compared to what I already have). 10 subs in 7 days + no deleted subs. Glad it hasn't happened to me still.