Hot Topic ** YouTube reduces sub counts ** (all discussion goes here)

Same, sort of! I gained seven out of nowhere last week, then today I lost seven! It was like a week's of work never even happened...
That is the worst isn't it. Before this giant purge happened I was having a week where I would gain one, then lose one. It happened for about 4 days of gaining and losing. I like to think it was just a really confused dude who wasn't sure if they wanted to subscribe to me or not haha
.-. I went from 1,744 - 1,715 I was so excited at one point seeing a lot of subs join in and now I am like D: but whyyyyyy !!! But oh well clean ups make you see who is really active and gets rid of all the dead weight
I lost 5. It was funny for a while though since on the subscriber page in analytics it said I had 66 subs but the main page said 71 so it was always a bit off. 66 seems the correct number then.
I don't have any drop on SocialBlade. It says I gained 7 subscribers today so far and the previous days look normal. But I don't check my subscriber count very often and I hardly ever check SocialBlade, so I wouldn't've noticed anyway.
I lost about 210 subs myself. Ultimately the sub count doesn't mean much though and if they were inactive, bots or whatever, they didn't really help your channel anyway.
I'm back up to 1562. I'm surprised I'm still even gaining subscribers to be perfectly honest. Maybe I should do a video...
I lost two subscribers, not that I'm really complaining I know that isn't a big number or much of an impact but I'll admit I didn't know what was going on until now and was worried people were starting to dislike my content as I uploaded a different video than originally planned last night. I also just celebrated my first one hundred subscribers but thankfully at the moment I still have 100 which I'm really pleased with.

A YouTube friend of my mine lost nearly 3000 subscribers, I know it's a good thing deleting old inactive subs but I can't even imagine how disheartening that must be to wake up to :(