Hot Topic ** YouTube reduces sub counts ** (all discussion goes here)

anyone noticed if they've been unsubbed from anyone they watch?
I think I'm still subbed to everyone, even those who don't post very much anymore... Some of them I haven't clicked on for like a year or so.. o.0

I logged into my old account from way back, and it shows I'm still subscribed to people, but I don't see their latest video updates in the little drop-down menu thing. I wonder if I clicked on their channel again if it would count me as a new subscriber on their end? o0

Now take a look back at June 14th (E3 opens) I'm not sure if YT Gaming did anything special but allot of gaming related YouTubers including myself had a huge sub boost. It looks like YouTube is only now fixing this problem."
I had a large influx of subscribers on the 14th through the 18th, but I thought they were coming from a few facebook groups that had shared some videos... The numbers have been larger than normal for me for most of the month of June, so maybe it was going on for the whole month?? xD Between June 14th and before the drop, I received 198 subscribers, but only 110 emails. Social blade says they removed 39. I have noticed that I don't receive an email for every subscriber (no idea why..?? o0 I think it might be because some hide their subscriptions?), but the difference seems larger than normal. Maybe there was some double accounting somewhere in there.. o.0
ive found this piece of info from reddit:

Now I don't believe it myself, as I found no increase on the 14th, the 14th-16th was actually pretty low,
but any info is worth checking out with your own accounts I guess.
I hadn't known about the double subs in april, so thats interesting to know.

Here was my comment from the day that happened. I am not saying this is the same thing, this might have just been another purge, but this is what happened in April

This wasn't the typical purge, this is what apparently happened. There was a problem with the YouTube gaming app released in several countries yesterday. When someone linked their account to the app it would add an extra sub to anyone they were already subbed too. These double subs were removed later that day.
I lost two today! And it was straight after gaining two yesterday so its like the past two days never happened...
Oh yeah I was so close to 200 as well haha. Oh well now I know who actually gives me the odd click so I am cool with that. I am sure I will get back there again. It can be a bit of a kick to the face but look at it like a way of throwing out people who were just helping make your channel stale. You only want people who actually like your stuff hanging around anyway