You're welcome!! You crack me up... "can I say dropkicking a baby?" yes I've been creeping. Good work though. Hope the 500 subscriber mark is encouraging.
My favorites are Iggy35, But he hasn't uploaded new videos lately. FreddieW, surfaced studio, and film riot.
I have quite a few favourite youtubers but if just picking maybe 2 I would say Marcus Butler and Pointless Blog, especially when they collab.
Mine at the moment would have to be Crashbangadam. He sent me a personal christmas message! with the help of some of my mates. best present ever.
All gaming ones, pretty boring really :P

The creatures, Robbaz, Cr1TiKaL, Continue?, videogamedunkey, AlChestBreach, JonTron, Game Grumps and sometimes AVGN.

Also my wife's channel choianneisfat n_n