Sourcefed is a good channel , for some out of the box gaming videos modernwarnegro is very entertaining and clever,but only if he fits your taste
For me, nothing will ever beat smosh[DOUBLEPOST=1386091980,1386091867][/DOUBLEPOST]
Okay, I'm going to list them all... Let's see...

Smacktalks: This guy's a pimp. He be showin' yo creations on his channel, and makin' you popular in the WWE Games Community. Plus, him just talking is absolutely fantastic.

Total Biscuit: He's hilarious, and makes nice long videos that I can actually full screen-inize and enjoy. Plus, his voice reminds me of Wade Barrett. <3

Shane Dawson: He's ghetto, yo. He's one of us. He's everything I want to be on YouTube. Just being me. Oh, and I also want candy, but that's a different story for a different time.

TeemingTubbyEmu: I really don't know why I watch him. He seems like a real jerk sometimes, yet I just can't... Stop...

Sinc: He's hilarious as well. I can definitely relate to him more than any other YouTuber. Entertainment for days.

Vahnchand: They're very funny as well. Plus, I like Vicboss' wrestling promos he does every now and then.

greenyxi: His vlogs are funny in a very cringe-worthy way. He makes them enjoyable though. Plus, he makes a f*ckton of Let's Plays, which are useless to me unless he's doing a Final Fantasy. >_> He's also one of my best friends.

I believe that's it. For now at least. If I remember any later, I'll come back and edit this post to add them in.

Agree with you about Shane Dawson!!
My favourites at the moment are Connor Franta, Joey Graceffa, Sawyer Hartman (just because I've been looking at all their collabs with each other lately), Tyler Oakley, Caspar Lee, Tanya Burr and Alexa Losey.
All of the BrosAngels are awesome.


I hope I'm not leaving anyone out!
One of the most hilarious youtubers (for gaming channels) has to be Mr. Sark. He and his friends are funny as all h*ll and have me dying in every video! Other high quality gaming channels in my opinion are also Frankieonpcin1080p, jackfrags, TAG, and of course mine ;)
My favorite youtube channels are jackvalefilms and edbassmaster. I like to watch romanatwood, vitalyzdtv, and mediocrefilms as well but they are not my favorites. All these channels are public prank videos which I find hilarious and very entertaining.