Mine are "SkyDoesMinecraft", "theRadBrad", "Smosh", "nigahiga", UberHaxorNova". There's more, but i feel these are on top of my list. :) Mostly gamers tho. :P
My favorite by far is Markiplier. There's just something inspiring about him. The charity, the rise in fame from nothing. I don't know but he's my youtube idol!

Me too! I've been subscribed to Mark since about 200,000 and he has definitely been a great inspiration for me to start my YouTube Channel even though I don't upload any gaming videos hahaha :D

Besides Mark, I really like EatYourKimchi. They are a Canadian couple, Simon and Martina, living in Korea and they vlog about Korean culture, lifestyle, food, etc. They are super funny! :)
hey guys my names BADBOY BLITZY and just wanted to introduce myself and my clan on youtube so come along and check us out got achievement guides and walkthrough for recent games e.g. call of duty ghosts and grand theft auto v also more games coming soon so please come along and check us out on youtube ( TopSkillGamerz )
hey guys my names BADBOY BLITZY and just wanted to introduce myself and my clan on youtube so come along and check us out got achievement guides and walkthrough for recent games e.g. call of duty ghosts and grand theft auto v also more games coming soon so please come along and check us out on youtube ( TopSkillGamerz )
This is the wrong place for this.
Alrighty, let me see if I can compile a list of channels I frequent.

-boogie2988: his Francis character has made him a comedic viral sensation more than once. He also plays games.
-Cinemassacre: The 'avgn' plays, reviews, and rages about classic games.
-Epic Meal Time: they make weird food that is surely making them fat. They also really love bacon... and alcohol.
-Epic Rap Battles of History: They put two historical/popular figures against each other in classic rap battle fashion.
-Cooking With Dog: Asian cooking made to look super easy.
-runnyrunny999: Another cooking show I really like and the recipes are always really easy, I've made a few.
Evan Edinger and DailyGrace! If those two did a collab I'd probably squeal a little.

I can dream.

Also a massive fan of AniaMags, most sarcastic person ever.
Ranters/Vloggers: Natetalkstoyou,Undertakerfreak2111, Tre Melvin(This is a Commentary), Hodge Twins, TreyMoeShow

Pranks: Vitalyzdtv, Roman Atwood, GarryandBrad, Steven Jo

Other: Buzzfeed, Young Turks, Sinc
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olan rogers is BY FAR my favourite. amazing storyteller and pop rocket is just.. too good.
but then there's the lesser known jonbehere, fancyclaps, pascaledebom, mahalihoo, danimaticz... i could go on, but they are all amazing and definitely deserve a watch or two!

Danimaticz needs more subscribers like seriously, have you seen those cheek bones?