I like a variety of YouTubers, mainly Gaming YT'ers. I like watching DanTDM because I think he posts some funny content. Who do you like?
at the minute my favourite youtubers are StephenTries (because he is hilarious and underrated) and bambinobecky because although she only has 60k subs, she is smashing it and will get 1mil if she keeps going, her skits and jokes are on point
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I usually use Youtube to watch old comedy or documentaries from TV that I enjoyed growing up. Only recently got into Youtube content creators as an actual fan. The history buff/nerd in me loves Lindybeige and Scoolagladatoria and people like that. If you're into history, weaponry and such give them a look. ERB are pretty darn fun. Some of the rap battles aren't the best, but when they do a good one they are brilliant. Einstein v Hawking or Tolkien v Martin. Brilliant!
I absolutely love Captain Sauce, Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. I can't forget to mention Shirley Curry, she's an 82 year old 477K followers! She plays Skyrim and is the sweetest lady to watch and listen too, a true inspiration!
I am from Indonesia, my favorite youtuber is Bapau Chanel, he is an artist from Indonesia and subscriber is almost 3 million in just a few months, because the video is very good can inspire many people especially Indonesians, and many of the videos are trending.
  1. Cinemassacre
  2. Caddicarus
  3. Channel Awesome (more specifically, The Nostalgia Critic)
  4. Slope's Game Room
  5. Kinda Funny Games (mainly for their Party Mode videos)
Those are my top 5 at the moment.

I also enjoy
  • Game Sack
  • Kim Justice
  • DidYouKnowGaming
  • Good Mythical Morning
  • Jim Sterling
  • JackSepticEye (biased reason, he's from a town 3 hours away from me)
  • Jeremy Jahns
  • The Game Theorists
  • theRadBrad
  • Tome of Infinity (he used to be known as Classic Game Room HD, and it's usually all his original content I watch)
  • WrestlingWithRegret (being a lapsed fan of the art, it's amusing to see someone else rip on it as much as he does)
  • Game Scoop!
  • Colin's Last Stand (usually I listen to his podcasts)
Guys, all these youtubers are really cool and great lads, if only because they could get through and reach this level, offered the audience interesting and original content. Generally separate from me Respect!
My favorite YouTuber has to be the pioneer of let's play, "Angry Video Game Nerd," or, "AVGN." being a film maker has gave him creative templates to make his videos. He doesn't just review the games he plays, he brings you into his world and gives you an understanding of his perspective, "which is bittersweet emotions of his childhood videos games... And how much they f*****g suck!" Lol

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