My favorites are Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Linis Tech Tips, JayzTwoCents, Smeckly, Reed Timmer, RandomGaming, Paul's Hardware, muyskerm, Lindsey Stirling, Green Ham Gaming, and Egoraptor.
Oh man, that's a tough one. Lately, I've been watching a lot of Garrett Watts videos. He has awkward humor that I tend to enjoy, mainly because I use that same style of humor daily. Also, he is a bit flamboyant which is fun to watch and see how others behave.
I'd have to say markiplier, he has a great voice and able to present things professionally, would be happy if I had half his charismatic ability, :). also really love raedwulfgamer, :).
I have many favorites! Can't just chose one.

Markiplier, JaclynGlenn, Pyrocynical, Kwite and WildSpartanz are my favorites at the moment.